Hey guys,
hope everyone is doing well. So I'll be picking up my first boat in mid June. It's a 2008 Triton 21 hp with a Mercury pro xs 250.
My grandfather and Dad have had deep sea boats for most of my life so I'm not completely new to the world and terminology of boating but I was hoping you guys would be able to help give me some of your tips and routines when it comes to owning a boat and how you care for and maintain it? Maybe mention a couple things you wish you knew when you had your first boat. How do you guys care for the trailer?
For those of you that run a merc pro xs, what fuels, oils, additives etc. do you use? Any specifics about this engine I should know?
so far I've found a few articles from here to help me develop my own routine but any advice would be great.
Thanks in advance
Kye Abraham