Boat Tool Box suggestions
Philips screwdriver
Flat blade screwdriver
Pliers average size
Channellock Pliers 10"
Crescent Wrench 10"
Small wrench set
Wire cutters / side cutters
Spark plug wrench
Voltmeter / test light
Prop wrench
Flashlight with Xtra batteries (also a flashlight app is pretty good as a backup)
Jump box
Wooden block cut at an angle (section of 4 X 4)
Wire brush (to clean corroded connections)
Duct tape
Electrical tape
Plastic cable ties / Zip ties
Spare Prop
Spare Prop Nut
Spare Kill Switch cord
Spare drain plug
A piece of stainless steel wire about 36" long
6" of fuel hose
Hose clamps
Spark plugs
Assortment electrical connectors
This is not to be mistaken for a Medical Emergency Kit !
The list above I do not take credit for as the members here and some input from researching the internet helped to create it.
My original post starts below this line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ok since I now have a boat that I feel confident in taking miles out on the water I am interested in knowing what basic tools should a boat have on it.
Now mind you my boat is no yacht so I don't need a full blown rollaway. I just want what a typical experienced guy with a 115 Johnson outboard on a 18ft bass boat would carry.
So let's hear what you carry and what you carry your tools in.
Don't laugh my tools are not probably correct this is why I am asking. But so far I have :
1 Philips screwdriver average size
1 Flat blade screwdriver average size
1 Crescent wrench 8" I believe
1 Pliers average size
Thanks for sharing