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Found 3 results

  1. Hey, I just caught a fish, not exactly a bass, but was hoping on some enlightenment. It was a grass carp, pretty big and heavy, but when I took the hook out of the mouth, it started to bleed. I immediately put it back into water and some bubbles came out of the gills, but I assume that's normal since most fish do this. After I let it go it was floating at the top for like 1 or 2 seconds and darted out of sight. My main question is will the bleeding will cause the fish to die? It wasn't a big hook and was cleanly hooked in the upper part of the lip.
  2. Hi Guys, Been lurking a really long time here on Bassresource and this is my first post! Anyhow I was hoping some of you guys may be able to help me figure out what's going on with my power tilt/trim. I believe I need to bleed the cylinders (rams) because recently it stopped staying all the way up when raised. I noticed today the hoses were leaking pretty bad on the bottom of the pump so I tightened those up and checked the oil which was pretty low. I went ahead and filled it, then cycled the system up and down several times to bleed it. This system has the reservoir inside the boat with lines to the rams. It has two rams one on each side of the outboard. It's a 35 hp I believe an '86. Please let me know if there are any details I can fill in to help find a solution.
  3. I know that Bass are one of the easiest fish to hold with your index finger and thumb, right in the mouth. I do it with every one I catch. I 95% of the time don't use the net, I just loft them in with the rod. Without letting them lay down on the bottom of the boat (to protect their slime barrier) I usually put one hand in the mouth to hold the fish, and the other hand to get the lure out. Weigh him up, throw him back. Easy as pie. However... Call me a whiner or call me a pansy... But when those fish start to wiggle, flop, or jar around while I'm holding them in the air... It's like course grit sandpaper that just rips the skin apart on my thumb. And trust me I've got a firm firm grip on them. It's not like a slack barely grabbing his mouth kind of grip. I put my thumb in there and get a nice firm grip as to not drop him when he flops. Yesterday I was fishing a pond and had a 2 1/2 Lb Largemouth actually draw some blood on my thumb when he flopped in my grip. I was so surprised. This thread holds two questions... Does anyone else notice Bass teeth being oddly sharp and a little intimidating? Could it be that I just catch and hold so many bass, that now the skin on my thumb is weak and torn up, making it easier and easier for every bass to cut me? Lol
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