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Found 13 results

  1. I recently got a 2017 bass tracker 175 which comes with the basic Lowrance hook 4x mounted on the dash area. Im looking to replace it more than likely with the Lowrance hook2 7x but im not sure how to go about mounting it. Anybody have a similar units mounted on their boat in that spot? Or any suggestions on how I could mount it in the same spot as the unit thats on there now? Thanks!
  2. Hey guys, In a few months I'll be moving. The move will put my current "home lake" about an hour away. There is a much closer lake to where I'm moving, but it has a 20hp limit. I'm currently fishing out of an '04 Stratos 27x Pro XL with a 90hp Johnson on it. Dilemma: I am trying to find a "mini bass boat" that a 20hp will push fairly well. What I came up with thus far is either a john boat with modifications (casting deck, livewell, rod locker, etc.) or a Tracker Pro 170. I know that no matter what I fish on, it will take some getting used to after fishing from a stable, wide Stratos. I want something that is going to give me some of the luxuries of a bass boat but not be EXCRUCIATINGLY slow on the water. My thought was to get a Pro Team 170 with a 20hp ELPT and put a stainless prop on it to maybe help with lack of power? I've toyed with the idea of putting a 25hp on it, but I am backtracking on that now. I want to fish small boat tourneys on the lake, and I don't want to run into an issue with tourneys or fines if I get caught. It's just not worth the headache. Who here has a Pro Team 170 or Pro Team 160? Can you give me your pros vs cons on the boat? If you don't own one, but have fished from one, what are your thoughts on it? I'm looking for any sort of guidance here. I don't know anyone who has one to test it out, nor can I find any videos about the stability of the boat. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all! - Dale
  3. Hello, I purchased a 07 bass tracker pro crappie last year and love the boat. I would like to raise the front deck to the height of the rod locker and extend it to the console, and also extend the rear deck to the drivers seat. Also I would like to add a bigger live well In place of the live well in front of the console. Any suggestions on how this should be done. Has anyone ever done this to a pro crappie before ? I would like to make it to the same deck lay out as the pro team. Any ideas or suggestions on how this should be done would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  4. I'm wondering if a 98 Chevrolet Cheyenne with a 305 long block will pull my 17' Bass Tracker with no problems.
  5. I have an '88 Bass Tracker that bilges itself quite often. I have inspected it fairly well and see no obvious large leaks and plan to seal up all the rivets and welds that look questionable. Does anyone have any advice on how to do this? What products and process should I use. Is there a lot of prep to the surface? Should I wire wheel the spots first or is a powerwasher sufficient? I just got the boat for a great deal and I plan to do some upgrades. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hey all, first post here as I attempted this thread on another forum without much luck. I do believe after spitballing ideas and with what I'd like completed I'd opted to go ahead and remove the deck, despite my mechanic's recommending me not to. I recently purchase a 2009 Tracker Pro 160. Ideally, I'd like to place a recessed tray for the trolling motor pedal in addition to mounting a Humminbird 859CI at the bow. I'm still on the fence on the RAM mount or the Kickin bass bracket. In any normal circumstance this would be fairly straightforward as I'd just remove the panel at the bow. However with this model, the panel is completely welded and inaccessible. That being said, I'd lean towards removing the deck to evaluate what's underneath and to confirm there is sufficient space. I'd also like to locate an appropriate drain position. Once this is done, I'd replace the deck as it were once the sonar wiring was placed. Once the installations are ready (later in the winter), I'd make my markings and cut the tray hole. Ideally I'd like to use the tray hole as my "access hatch" so that I have access to the graph wires without removing the deck every time. I can decide on the mount at some point later on, but will likely land on whatever mount grants me more deck space. At this point I'm hoping to have everything finished cleanly without any exposed wiring, etc. That said, I've searched high and low on the web and on forums as well. I seem to be the only nut to inquire about modifications on this little Pro 160. Any experiences, recommendations, or advice would be greatly appreciated. My biggest concern at this point is the actual deck removal. Not sure if this will be easy or difficult. I'll likely plan on marking all the screws on the deck tomorrow and possibly lifting the front deck. I'll be documenting everything so hopefully this can help someone down the road.
  7. I have an opportunity to buy an aluminum stripped down Bass Tracker for a very low price. The seller is only asking $300 with a trailer. It is pretty bare bones though containing only the decking due to it having been stolen and stripped. The thing that concerns me with this boat is it is missing a rib and does leak some. I am not sure which rib it is yet as I have not seen the boat yet. I will only be using this boat with an electric trolling motor so I am not concerned about getting on plane or the weight of an outboard either. It will limit me to what I can use the boat for but my local lake is easily fished with only a trolling motor and for the low price think it may be worth the investment. What are your opinions if this boat will hold up for a few years just cruising around with the electric motor. Should I save the money and just start with a better aluminum hull and build my own deck in it?
  8. From the album: Fishing Pics

  9. C.olivier

    Our Camping Rig

    From the album: Our Boat

  10. Ok guys, I have a question. I have the chance to buy a 2000 model Bass Tracker 16 ft. with a 25 hp with tilt and trim. It has a trolling motor not sure what kind. The boat is in decent shape, it has the 25 hp with a 9.9 sticker so that is good for me. It could use some TLC but is a sound boat. My buddy has it, wants 3000$ for it, and he will let me make payments on it, and he dont really care how quick I pay him. So is that a decent deal, let me know what you guys think. Thanks in advance for any and all comments. Matt
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