The latest issue of Bass Angler is now live on the iPad and Android platforms. Here is a list of articles in the app version:
Brian Adams - Angler Marketing A View from the Top, Jody Only - Bass Rankings, Jody Only Boat - Bass Boat Contingency Programs, Jody Only - Building a Swimbait, Josh Douglas - Catch Summer Bass, Jody Only - Colored Lenses, Joe Bucher - Finesse Tubes, Barb Elliott - Fish Mortality, Nick Madison - Fishing the Jungle, Vance McCullough - Flippin with Bernie Schultz, Dan Johnson - AUC Gary Dobyns, Jody Only - How to Rig a Swimbait, Jody Only - Iaconelli's Best Baits, Darl Black - In the Boat With Mark Zona, Mark Fong - Innovative Hooks and Their Uses, Jud Browder - Interview with Dean the Machine, Jud Browder - It not a Shakey Head, Aaron Lesieur - Keratosis and You, Dan Johnson - AUC Kurt Dove, Tim Tipton - Ledge Fishing with Mark Menendez, Matt Howerton - Locating Summertime Bass, Aaron Lesieur - Never a Bad Day, Robert Taylor - Night Fishing for Bass, Jessie Martin - Osoyo Lake, Ryan Tomaschtik - Reducing Fishing Waste, Ray Groves - Science of Bass Part I, John Warren - Summer Confidence, Glen Walker - Summer Smallies, Tim Tipton - Summertime at Guntersville, Brad Weigmann - Table Rock Lake, Jody Only - The Sun Shade Barrier, Richard Ziert - The Thermocline, Jody Only - Twitch a Jointed Swimbait, Aaron Lesieur - What a Bass can See Part II
Glenn let me know if I should have posted this on another forum? Thanks Mark