I used to be into fishing more as a kid, my dad used to take me fishing all the time, however when he lost interest, I kind of put the hobby down for a long time.
Now at 26, I'm starting to get into it again. There's a lake about an hour's bike ride from where I live, man-made, stocked, mostly bass. I've started to assemble a few of the things I need, with the goal being to essentially be able to just pick up, any day I want... ride my bike down to the lake (I don't drive), and just spend the day out there.
With this said, I've run into some logistical problems with this idea. Namely... transporting equipment. I'm afraid my old school backpack won't quite suit my purposes. See... my largest concern is none other than the arizona sun. I don't want to get out there, finally bring in that big bass, only to discover that by the time I've made it home, the heat has already caused my catch to go bad. In addition to this - riding a bicycle with tackle, and a fishing rod, may prove problematic.
Long story short? I'm looking for a backpack with the following traits:
at least 2 storage pouches. One insulated - where I might stow a couple ice packs and anything I catch, effectively a cooler, and one smaller secondary pouch in which I can store a small container of tackle.
Either molle, or a storage system which can be otherwise used to secure a fishing rod to the backpack, so I can ride a bicycle without hassle. If molle - I'm also having trouble finding a molle attachment for fishing rods.
side netting which I could stow a waterbottle in. Water can be re-filled at the lake (no, not from the lake itself. There are drinking fountains), but I would like to have a bottle on-hand. This wouldn't be necessary if the backpack has a molle system (I can find molle waterbottle holsters easily enough).
Anyone have any ideas? I've checked Amazon, Bass pro shop, and a generic google search, and haven't found something that meets that criteria fully.