Good evening everybody, I got a major problem with my reel and have no idea what is. It is a quantum annex baitcast reel that I got a little bit more than a year ago, it was working fine until a couple of months ago until I set my magnetic breaks to 10 and loosened spool tention cap a good amount, so I could cast a certain way. It worked fine for a good two weeks until heard a big "SKERT" sound. After that the breaks have stayed on the 10th one no matter where I turn it. I lower the centrifugal brake to number 1 which allowed me to cast slightly farther, but it still feels like the breaks are set because I can put a 1/2oz weight on and it will all of a sudden slow down and drop. I have read nothing like this problem on the web and this is my last resort before it goes into early retirement. The overall problem is that the breaks are always on and it makes me unable to cast more than 10-20yrds.