I'm getting ready to purchase a Sea Eagle 285 inflatable frameless pontoon boat with a trolling motor. However, after reading up on BUI laws, it is making me think twice. I want to be able to bring a six pack of 3.2% abw (weird beer law in Oklahoma) on my boat. My logic for it being ok is that I really can't hurt anyone else with the type of boat I'll be operating, and I will not be getting hammered/seem to be heavily intoxicated. In Oklahoma, the criterion for being "under the influence" is the presence of .08% alcohol in the bloodstream.
My question is, what has been your experience with patrol and having beer on a boat? Are they really going to hassle me/bring the hammer down (breathalyzer, fines, seize equipment, etc.) for operating an inflatable boat while drinking beer? What are the most likely outcomes of me getting busted with a sixer, or enforcement responses, in my unique case?
I'm also worried because of the type of boat I'll be operating, I'll be fetching plenty of attention as it is from law/wildlife enforcement.