I picked up my 1st Academy Ethos rod to try as I had a cheap reel that had no rod and at $60 on Clearance the H2O ETHOSMG73H rod became mine. I do not like the EVA handle and I never owned micro guides on one of my rods so this is a new experiment for me. I really didn't think much before I bought it my daughter was with me and we were in a rush.
But once I got it home I noticed it didn't have the action listed on the rod. I saw it was marked ETHOSMG73H a 7' 3" Heavy 15-30lb line and 1/2 - 1 1/2oz lure weights. In between the EVA handle it says Ethos Micro Hvy Action. But that is all it says on any of the rod except H2O Express. None of the 4 cards attached to the rod describing its parts give any description either on the Action.
I did go here that gave me a Cork handle rod not a EVA, not Fuji micro guides, and many other parts are all not whats on this rod so I dont think its the same rod?
I would assume its a Fast action but it actually seems a tad more limber than any Heavy rod with a Fast action I have used or held before. Is this normal for a H2O Heavy rod to have a little more (or less) tip? I kind of like the feel of it as I think it will help cast the frogs a little better. Of course its blowing 20+ gusts as a cold front is roaring in so it will be later this week before I get back to any kind of real world testing it out.
Would love to hear what anyone who has used these rods thinks.