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  1. It was 3 degrees this morning when I went out to get the paper - around 5 am. Moderate snow pack covering the ground. Most water ways are solid ice. What to do? Besides going bonkers, there are many excellent videos on YouTube and here on this forum, to occupy your frustrated hours & days, until spring arrives. However, if you are semi-OCD (not sure there is such a thing!) as I am, you just can't sit still that long. Not only that, but what follows could give you the confidence in your gear to make a significant difference come spring. I start off with removing lures, hooks and jigs from all your rigs. Put them in one of those plastic food containers for later when the "itch" becomes unbearable. I am very fortunate to have a local guy that specializes in cleaning, lubing and repairing reels at a reasonable cost. These 75 yo eyes and arthritic fingers just can't do what use to be a very pleasurable winter activity for me in years past. If you are a bit younger and dexterous with your fingers, then by all means, this is the time to disassemble, clean and re-lube your reels. The rods are what this post mainly focuses on. They look a mess, don't they? At least mine do after a season of catching many crappie, perch, bass and whatever else comes my way. Once the reels are off, break apart the two piece models. Clean the rods thoroughly with paper towels and Dawn dish detergent (use whatever your wife has, with her permission of course!). Don't bother with the cork at this point. Focus on the blank and rod guides. Rinse and dry. This next step is very important. Take a Q-tip and run it around each rod guide. If you have any "hangs" of the cotton, replace that guide immediately! That can make or break a day on the water. Now that your rod blanks and guides are in good shape, the cork handles come next. If you have synthetic handles, skip this section, obviously. Some of us old timers will never renege our prized cork! Get yourself a pack of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Wet one and rub the cork lovingly. This will clean your handles back to near pristine condition. Let dry thoroughly. Next, get yourself a jar of U-40 Cork Sealant. This is available for about $10.00 on Amazon.com (shipped free if you're a Prime Member). I use a folded paper towel to dip and spread this stuff lightly over the cork. Will seal and protect your cork for the entire season - and longer in most cases. I reapply it - just because (OCD remember!). Let dry thoroughly over night. Finally I take a spray bottle of AmorAll and spray/soak a piece of old t-shirt with it. I coat the rod blanks, eyes and yes, even the prepped cork handles with the stuff. I do this a couple of times before declaring the project to be complete. Now the rods are rip rarin' to go! Before I put the reels back though, I usually replace the line. As some of you may know I'm a staunch believer/fan of Fireline Crystal. It will last several seasons, with only a leader change to start the season off with. However, I don't like the "looks" of it sometimes, as it gets "dingy" looking to me. And again, Amazon.com comes through for me with excellent pricing, so I just do it. Now you're all set up for the coming ice out and spring thaw. It just makes me feel better doing all this and it occupies those long, cold days of winter for me. Try it.....you'll like it!
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