I'm one of the unlucky ones that has to fish from the shore in mainly private ponds of family friends. I guess I can't complain since I've managed to put fish in the pan but my question is how do I keep my fish alive if I would happen to catch a cpl in the 1st hour or so & I plan on making an all day adventure out of it. I have a 25' stringer that I use. I've recently read some articles & found out I been doing it wrong. Should I go from inside of mouth thru bottom lip or from outside to inside? I have been catching bass but no monsters yet, keeping fingers crossed tho. They have been in the 1.5 to 2.5 range. I don't want to end up killing em b4 I get home, so what is best way to use a stringer & not have dead fish when my day is done. Oh to make sure that they stay in fairly deep water I put the stringer in the ground as close to the water as possible without taking the chance of em pulling it out off the ground. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys, Geoffrey.