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Found 8 results

  1. Hi all was about to buy my first set of tungsten bullet weights and saw the reaction tackle weights on amazon and they seemed like a good deal. Does anyone have any experience with these or can offer any suggestions on good bullet weights? mainly fishing retention ponds in Florida. Would tungsten be the right choice or should I stick with lead? Thanks, Steve Reaction Tackle Bullet Weights 3/16 Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MF9M4FO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_mkDgEbXV6S10H
  2. Lately I’ve been looking at getting some tungsten, but is it really worth it? Pros: smaller, heavy, more feel. Cons: much more expensive. That is just some of the info I’ve been given on tungsten. What are your thoughts about the debate?
  3. Hey Guys! Im getting back in to worm fishing and I wanted to see what size of tungsten weights you guys use the most, what application, and your go to. Im also looking at finesse tungsten weights so drop shot ned rig etc. More advice the better! Thanks!
  4. Tungsten in the past 5-10 years has revolutionized bass fishing. Using lead bullet and drop shot weights are a thing of the past for most avid fisherman. Tungsten being two times more dense than lead is a must have in fishing Texas rigs. You can still have the fall rate of any lead weight but at half the size now that is a huge advantage. But the main problem with fishing tungsten is the price! If you go into any of your local sporting good stores buying a couple weights or only one weight can be a whopping 6-10 dollars!! And that is a lot of money; for anyone no matter who you are. But if you still want to get tungsten weights at a cheaper cost here is the link to do so: http://www.omfishingsinkers.com/Tungsten-Sinke/tungsten-worm-weights-green-pumpkin-free-shipping-if-your-order-is-40--or-more-Delivery-time-9-11days_p-80490.html. I have purchased from this site many times and it is 100% reliable. It does come from Asia however so give it a week or two to come in. Enjoy!
  5. I was just curious how everyone feels about tungsten, does it REALLY make that much of a different of is it a confidence thing?
  6. These are some of the best straight-tailed finesse worms I've ever used. Anyone else ever try them? I'm not sure if they're still being made/sold but they're at the top of my soft plastics favorite list. I recommend them highly.
  7. In the whole scheme of things is tungsten really worth the extra cost? Sure tungsten is 50% smaller and you can feel cover/bottom better, but at nearly six bucks for three. Lead on the other hand; is 50% bigger and slightly less sensitive, but you can get a pack of ten for three bucks. More fish have been caught using lead weights than any other material weight combined, a tried and true material. Is tungsten really worth it? (Also keep in mind this is for people who actually purchase their own weights and not those who get them from sponsors.)
  8. I have been using lead bullet weights on my texas rigged plastics for years. Now everybody has been telling me to switch to tungsten weights I know that they are very expensive What are the advantages of tunsten?
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