I have now caught five Smallmouth Bass that were right at 19" and 4lbs. But for the absolute life of me I cannot beat this mark. My main smallmouth fishery is a lake that is a couple miles long and is drawn down every winter. There is a decent river flowing into it from a lake above this lake, and I've done well in there. I have one spot that I pulled a four pounder out of on a wakebait and saw my partner part ways with an absolutely hug smallie right at the boat at the same spot. I have also landed one four pounder on the main lake in a absolutely perfect spot consisting of a selection of various huge laydowns and some good rip-rap. That was on a 1/4oz. Roostertail. I know that the river at least has the potential to push out a new PB for me, and I'm pretty sure the lake does too. The problem I'm having is getting my hooks into one. Of the four four pound or larger smallies I've seen or caught on this body of water two were on the main lake and two were in the river. This lake is absolutely loaded with shad, as well as docks of every variety. There are nice sections of docks that have rip rap or concrete and those are normally where I catch the most smallmouth. I know this is pretty obvious, but I wanted to throw that out there because it relates my the nest fact. Only about a third of the lake has such structure, the rest being either very shallow mud flats or muddy laydowns where I only catch largemouths. The main forage in the lake is shad, but there is also plenty of crawdads and some bluegill. So what in your opinion should i do to break the 4lb. mark? If you need any more info on the lake let me know. I'm not opposed to trying just about anything to a nice one, so throw out whatever you want. I'd really appreciate some input from the smallmouth masters on the board. Thanks-
Bass Junkie