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Found 7 results

  1. I have a 1995 Stratos 268V. I am trying to determine how large the livewells and gas tank are. Does anyone happen to know how large both are? Also, does anyone know where I can find an owners manual for it. I have been searching the web without any luck. Thanks, Andrew
  2. Hi guys, I am in the market for my first bass boat and I really need some advice. I have some concerns and deal breakers which I will list first. After that I will cover things I would like to have but are not must haves. So I have a 21'garage and I need to be able to store it in there so the way I see it that limits me to a 17'6" ish boat. I really need to keep the total cost below $22,000 (out the door), and I would like to go new, however I am flexible there if it were just a couple of years old or left over un sold stock. I drive a full size dodge ram so towing won't be a concern, and I am not that worried about gas mileage for the truck or the boat motor. Both of the above boat models max out at 75 HP and I plan on getting the ETEC 75. The biggest difference is the fiber glass vs the aluminum. I will be strictly fishing lakes and I will fish a couple of large (5000+ acre) lakes near lake michigan so wind could be an issue on those lakes. Most lakes will be between 500 and 3000 acres. I'm not planing on fishing too shallow where I would have to worry about hitting things with the boat but you never know. I am ready to take good care of either boat so thats not an issue. I will have the wife and son with me sometimes so ride is important. I also dont want to be rocking back and forth while fishing because because the boat isn't stable. I have read so many forums and it just seems people are so split. I really need advice on buying new, that way we can skip the advice on testing for compression, and wood rot, soft spots, etc.. So I am leaning towards the glass boat (which weighs 1200) with the 75 hp 2 stroke Etec which should make it hit the low 40's. I really love the idea of owning a Ranger boat, but I also love the idea of owning a glass boat. Since I cant do both I have to choose. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. Water temp dropped from mid 50's to high 40's. But we were able to figure out those finicky big mouths. Rat l trap on the wind side of steep points and banks. First tourney win of the season and 30 deg temp and 12-18 mph winds all day. Toot toot lol Tight lines
  4. Hey everyone, I have an '05 Stratos 275XL. I just started getting back into fishing and using the boat again. As I was out on the water last weekend I realized, "wow, these electronics are ancient." I am looking to upgrade from the Lowrance Mark 4 (at the helm) and the Lowrance X52 on the bow. The Mark 4 transducer is on the transom, the X52 transducer is on the trolling motor. I've had my eye on the Lowrance HDS-5. I want to keep the cost as low as possible, but I don't want to wind up getting crappy electronics. For now, since the budget is tight, I'm considering upgrading just 1 of the units and then upgrading the other in the spring. I want something that is easily upgradable in the future. I want to eventually put side imaging transducers on and possibly other sensors. Not sure how "energy efficient" the new color screen models are? What electronics do you all have? I'm looking for opinions, suggestions, comments, concerns... Thanks in advance for the help!! -Dale
  5. I think I am sold on the new Stratos 186 VLO it has just about everything I am looking for. It's a 19' boat which will handle well on the bigger waters and rivers I will be fishing, Mercury 115ELPT Optimax engine (was wondering what the diff. was b.t this one and the Pro XS model and if it's worth the extra $500), fiberglass, looks great and best of all with the trailer and all the accessories I need to start out will only be $22,195. I think I have found my boat but would like to hear any feedback on either the model and or company. Heres a link to the page http://www.stratosboats.com/model.cfm?name=186VLO
  6. Hey guys, looking to purchase my first real boat soon. I'm looking at two on Craigslist, and both are Stratos's. One's a '97 and the other's and '08. Both appear in pretty good condition. What are your thoughts on Stratos boats? Also, the 08' only has a 95hp motor. Is that too weak for an 18'6" boat? Heres a link to the leading contender if anyone cares to look it over. http://kansascity.craigslist.org/boa/4453304624.html Thanks!
  7. I'm at a loss trying to find a replacement for my tilt trim motor. The model number of the engine is 115593E. It's a 1975 Evinrude 115. Recently bought the boat and this was the only thing wrong. I'm guessing he backed into something. All bent. Is it feasible to find a replacement? Do I replace the whole assembly? Sorry about no pics. I tried. The Motor has an axle that protrudes into the hydraulic section about 3.5 inches. I mention this because I haven't seen any like this when I try to look them up. The bottom half of the assembly has the numbers 317016. Thanks, -Nate
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