Thanks to all the sponsors for keeping this forum up and running, and particular thanks to Siebert Jigs for the variety they offer (weights, head design, skirt colors, rattles or not, etc), the quality of the jigs they offer, and their performance in shipping.
I recently ordered 6 jigs to see what Siebert was all about, and I'm very pleased with every aspect of the transaction. You really cannot appreciate the jigs on line, but get them in hand and you'll find high quality hooks and really great "skirts," great color combinations. You can get wire tied skirts, rattles, all kinds of variety, and lots of skirt colors. I just know I'm going to do well with them next spring and summer. To me the blue craw, Missouri craw, the alimony, and the bluegill skirts are almost guaranteed to work well here in central MI.
Be sure to patronize your sponsors whenever you can. You most likely will get better product at a fair price, and you'll help support this forum.