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  1. Finally after so many months, I could break the spell and catch some bass, I got 6 of them but releasesd the smallest. Big five weights about 14.5lb, Not giants but not dinks as well, The largest little shy of 4lb and smallest 2.5lb. Anyways guys I just want to share that, Later ill send you picture of combo and bait as well. It was very hot day 90 freaking degree out there.
  2. Hi BR, Here is a video that centers about what I would pack into a Fall Bass Fishing Box. 3 baits for Deep and 3 Baits for Shallow to simplify things during what could be one of the top times for Junk fish. Hope you like it! JN
  3. ok i fish the Charles river dock in Watertown and i have been for the past 2 weeks every day for at least 1 hour each time and i havent even seen a bass yet should i leave it or no it looks good and all and it has bait fish perch sunfish and all that stuff and i might have seen people catch a bass there but ya. also this river is either murky or murky clear it has weeds and logs in the water i have already lost like 4 lures there and it has alot of green stuff that gets on my lures any tips i normally go there around 245 at latest arive around 4 and fish until 530 and no bass. i have fished it all top water senko crankbait spinnerbait crawfish and no action on anything at all except for some sunfish and 4 inch bass looking things that i can drop my lure right infront of them since they camp the dock and they will nibble it and swim away every time thats the most action i ever got. i dont know what to fish it anymore what lures to use how to use them and all that i think i need a complete refresh of knowlage and tips can yall help me out.
  4. I was reading about him last night. Thought I might share this for the plastic worm fisherman here. John Powell served in the U.S. Air Force from 1947 - 1969. When Ray Scott formed B.A.S.S. in 1968, Powell was one of the first members. His style of fishing was simple. Sponsored by Creme tackle, he used exclusively a Creme Scoundrel 6" worm, purple with a yellow tail. Casting to the bank, he hopped the worm once or twice, quickly reeled in, and fired off another cast to a nearby spot. He was only looking for the fast striking fish, hiding in shallow thick cover. He took some friendly razzing from others on the early tours, some saying he fished in a tractor rut full of rain water. But, his method worked well. Winning his second event on lake Eufala with a weight of 132lbs 2oz. Back to back events on Missouri's Table Rock in 1971. He qualified for 6 Bassmaster Classics, and finished in the top 10 or 20 many times, with only the Creme worm as his bait. He proved, even back then, that the plastic worm doesn't always need to be fished super slow, as many of us are led to believe. On Missouri's Table Rock lake, with the wind howling, he added 4 slip sinkers to his line to cast his light T rig, and still fish it with his own style. He sometimes cast directly onto the bank, crawling his worm into the shallow cover. If he didn't get a strike within 5 or 6 ft of the bank, he quickly reeled in and made another cast. His reasoning was that the fish laying in thick, shallow bank cover were feeding fish, and we're more apt to strike quickly. He earned the respect of his peers at the time. Roland Martin, Bill Dance, and Tom Mann. Retiring in 1984 he travelled the country giving seminars on bass fishing, and getting youngsters involved in the sport. We can learn from fisherman like this. A stout rod, good line, and a plastic worm. If your fishing shallow banks with thick cover, many days, that may be all you really need...
  5. I have not found any solid information online about this. I am planning on getting Oakley Holbrooks, I want to use them for casual/stylish use and for freshwater fishing. They do not have shallow water lens for them without customization, which I do not want to do since I can get these Oakley's normally at 25% off. So I am either thinking the regular darker polarized Ice Iridium polarized at 10% light transmission with neutral contrast or the Prizm Sapphire polarized with 12% light transmission and increased contrast. I read the Prizm Sapphire is great for everyday use and they seem like they would be great for fishing too with the increase in contrast. But I do like darker lenses such as the Ice Iridium generally, and have a very positive experience with the regular HDpolarized. Please let me know what would be best for fishing SHALLOW water such as ponds and lakes. Or if a different lens might work well too! Stuck on Oakley Holbrooks, so I do not want to hear any other brand, Thanks
  6. Hey fellow fishermen and fisherladies, Got a question for you more experienced fisherman. I need to give a little pond description before I ask it though. -130 acres in size, max depth 15 feet -10'x10' MOVING giant reed mats (wind pushes them everywhere) when altogether due to wind covers an acre easily! -extremely stained water, brown almost. In a float tube you cannot see your feet! -weeds are pretty much everywhere some places right up to the surface -alewives do come up in there (which is why I believe they are so big!) In the dead of summer i use to struggle finding bass. This last summer I found a top water lure that works. I have my spots where I know there to be decent fish but with the floatillas moving around by the hour fish in there rarely stay in one spot (so I think). As for subsurface lures the ONLY thing I can get them to hit is chartruese tipped green colored worms texas rigged with no weight. It drives me nuts because the fishing technique with these is literally to cast at a grass mat, let it sits for like x amount of minutes and then just watch your line drag side ways. I DESPISE fishing this way (albeit it semi-effective). It is boring as all hell and every once in a while a fish gets the hook swallowed and I am all catch and release so I hate it. If I have any tension on the fishing line the fish will not hit the lure (trust me, I know you are thinking I am just not setting the hook soon enough yada yada). So the question becomes do you guys have any advise on a lure or on a fishing method that might work in this pond? Has anyone come across a shallow stained pond with tons of weeds (in a colder climate, Florida doesn't always understand Maine bass). and found something successful. I have tried jigs, they legit fall into about 3 feet of grown up weeds under water and don't work. I have tried spinner baits of all colors, I have tried cranks and jerks but they get weeds unless super shallow divers in which case nothing hits. I have tried swimbaits with hooks buried and nothing (or they get in weeds). I am open to any suggestions of any kind. This pond has some GIANT bass in it, I spent 2 hours one morning in the summer hauling in 22 fish all above 3.5 pounds, biggest being 5.4 and I know there are bigger ones in there but I don't think I am offering them what they truly want. The pond does have a population of black crappie, pickerel, perch and carp. Although besides the carp I haven't seen/caught any of them more then twice in 4 years! Thank you ahead of time and sorry for the long winded post. With giving fishing advice for a pond there is never enough information and even then unless you've fished it, it is really hard to gauge as no two ponds are the same.
  7. I'm fishing a new pond today, (very small) and the whole shoreline is covered in weeds, trees, etc. (a lot of vertical weed cover in the water by the shorelines in some places) How should I fish this type of cover? Would a texas rig be a good choice? Also, should I flip and pitch, or cast?
  8. Do you think this would be a good setup for a shallow (1-12ft) crankbait rod reel combo? My budget is ~ $100-$170. This rod would be getting a TON of use and I don’t really know brands too well so I just wanted to ask you guys what you thought and if I could trust these brands to hold up for at least a few seasons. Shimano Curado Crankbait Casting Rod 7’2” Medium Moderate Action Glass/Graphite $159.99 Quantum Smoke S3 PT Baitcast Reel 6.1:1 $169.95
  9. Hey guys I’m pretty new to fishing and I never really had anybody to teach me the basics and I’ve learned a lot from YouTube but there’s only so much that stuff can teach because those guys aren’t actually in your situation. Anyways my situation is I mainly fish a private reservoir in the upper state of South Carolina, the reservoir is about 40-50 acres and I’m not sure how deep it is but want to say it’s no deeper than 15 feet. Now I’ve caught some good sized large mouth out of it but they are so hard to locate. I mainly bank fish but every now and then I’ll get out the jon boat. As of right now the fishing has been super tough, it’s been raining almost everyday and the lake is cold and super muddy. The water clarity is literally less than 6 inches. I fished for 3 hours yesterday and caught one on the dam right off the bank with a black and blue spinner bait but that’s the first one this year and I can’t seem to get consistent on the bites. There are a couple of docks but even in the summer time I couldn’t get a bite near them. My question to the experienced guys is what could I do to locate the bites? I’ve literally threw almost everything in my tackle and the only thing I could get a bite on is a drop shot and a Texas rigged creature bait. I’m sorry for the long story but I hope you guys can help. I appreciate it!
  10. Hey guys, my family owns a cottage on a small lake. The dam on the lake broke during hurricane sandy, but now that it is filled in again with a new dam, I'd like to put some cover in to help promote fish growth and spawning success and so on... you get it. I know that the time to do it would have been when it was high and dry, but I couldn't find a time to do it. I'm Thinking of making some concrete and PVC "xmas trees" and sinking them in various places, but I'd like some input as to where those places should be. Also, I've thought about putting down some sort of pea gravel in places... would this make a good spawning spot? Any suggestions are welcome, Thanks! I've included two pictures below.. one of the lake with no water and one with it full, although the name is blanked out... for obvious reasons
  11. In my backyard is an almost 2 acre pond w a small island, the west side of the pond is shallow, namely one to three feet, minus a few spots near the dam. There are a good number of grass beds in these shallow flats, and a good bit of down timber. the north side of the island gets decent morning sun, while the south side is much more covered/shaded. I can fish from the bank just north of the island, and found a bluegill hole just past the grass bed. I also stand up paddle board fish the pond to access other areas. The water stays stained for the most part w visibility around 1 foot, getting very muddy after a storm, and remaining for a few days. I've been tossing square-bills in the shallows with pretty good success the past two weeks. Ive also caught two 5-1/2 pounders this year, one on texas rig baby brush hog, the other 1/2 oz double willow spinner. A few on the whopper plopper 130, but no hogs. My brother in law caught a nice 5-6 lb on rapalla pop-r late evening early summer, and my father in law a citation crappie yo-yoing a shad swimbait late evening about a month ago. Ive attached a pic with depths. Just looking for some general tips on what to throw and what retrieve to use to go after some hogs, any areas stick out to you? Are any Lunkers down deep during fall? Possible there are some catfish in there? What would be the best time to fish now that its fall? Better to hit the sunny side or the shade? Would a slip float and live bait produce? Thanks in advance!
  12. I am wondering how I would catch largemouth bass in pretty shallow brownish green water with rocks and some weeds. It is at the end of a cove in Lake Anna in Virginia.
  13. I am wondering how I would catch largemouth bass in pretty shallow brownish green water with rocks and some weeds. It is at the end of a cove in Lake Anna in Virginia.
  14. My home lake has a lot of bank beaters, and there is really not much deep water structure. I'm wanting to give punching and flippin' cypress trees a break and start fishing the huge grass flats that the lake has. Any tips on how to attack giant grass flats that run anywhere from 2ft-4ft? For example, 1. What to look for? any subtleties? 2. Bait choice? (square bill, trap, chatter bait, fluke).... 3. When to move? 4. Cast in the grass or parallel it? 5. Work top of grass? middle? or bottom? ( how to attack each zone?) These are just a few that i can think of, but any tips that y'all have would be great. Thanks guys.
  15. Hello! I'm new to bass fishing as of last spring. I fish Indiana lakes & ponds from a kayak, and 85% of the time its 15-20ft deep or less (usually bays/coves/banks). I'm looking at a Raymarine Dragonfly 4 PRO to add to my toolbox...My question is, is down imaging (or a fish finder in general) even all that useful for my type of fishing? If I understand correctly, it basically will show me whats in a cone directly below me. In the shallow waters I fish, won't I pretty much be directly over the fish? Won't that spook it? I guess I don't fully understand the tactics used in this situation. Sorry for the very newbish question, I'm still learning. I really appreciate any insight!
  16. This is a way to fish sack style with three worms seemed a little over board for me. I used: VMC weedless whacky head flick shake 3- junebug 4.8 flick shake worms caught 11 fish all one pound except for a 2.5 I really had fun fishing this. Been fishing whacky a lot this is a good way to mix it up.
  17. I live within 2 miles from a 2-2.5 acre stormwater pond. It's conveniently a block away from my primary gas station; so I make my pit stops a handful times per week. I've caught numerous poundies last year and the max depth is only 6-8 feet at most and really in only two pockets, the north end and southeast corner. When it runs shallow in the heat of summer, these are the only spots where you can't see the bottom. So my question is, is topwater game all day when it gets shallow? Better yet, can I run topwater year round (even as soon as ice out)? My choice in topwaters are zara pups/spook jrs, torpedoes, and buzz baits (nothing more than 3/8 oz) at a distant third. I frog once in a while, but I still have to work on my timing. Tight lines, Rio
  18. I am a relatively new fisherman, who only fishes from the banks of small local ponds, not lakes. I am currently stationed at Fort Riley, KS but I will be moving to Fort Worth, TX here in the next few months when I get out of the Army. With the new home, I want to pursue a new direction in my fishing, Kayak fishing to be exact. I feel that my foundation of fishing is fairly solid when it comes to the banks, but as many of us know, the amount of lessons one can learn is severely limited from the shore. I honestly don't know where to start when it comes to my change in gameplan. What kind of Kayak would be best for a newbie like me? I'm 6'2'' 235 athletic build What kind of accessories? extra oar, electronics, anchor/pole What kind of equipment? Rods, reels, lures What kind of Tactics? Areas to target I don't exactly want to spend all the money in the world, but I am willing to invest a solid $1,000 into a kayak, oar, vest, and maybe some new rod and reels. Also, I don't know if I should invest into any electronics right away or not. Any advice or guidance on this topic would be AWESOME! Thanks in advance guys!
  19. Yet again, it'll give new users as well as some of the old vets a way to learn and 'teach' through their opinions The second installment will be on CRANKBAITS and your thoughts. Questions to Consider: What is your favorite crankbait? (who makes it, price, where you bought, color?) Under what circumstances will you throw any type of crankbait? How do you determine what color crankbait to use? What factors tie in for you? How do you set the hook when you know you've got a fish on? Are there any crankbaits that you've tried that you do NOT suggest? What techniques do you use for your selected crank? Name a good squarebill and in what situations to throw it! NOTE: QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER ARE QUESTIONS YOU CAN USE IN YOUR ANSWER TO SHED LIGHT AND MORE DETAIL TO YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS FOR THOSE WHO AREN'T VERY "KNOWLEDGEABLE" ON THE SPECIFIC TOPIC. NOTE: After all the topics are covered, I'll take a vote and see if any of the same lures were mentioned more than once and we'll get a community consensus. Could be interesting to see!
  20. Looking to purchase Old Rapala Fat Raps (sfr 5 or 7) shallow runner only. If anyone has any in good condition and interested in selling I would appreciate it. It's my fathers favorite bait and I can't find any. Thank you!
  21. I have never been much of a worm guy, just was never good for it. I have always harbored an affinity however, for soft plastic jerkbaits and crawfish imitating baits. Recently, while fishing in a shallow farm pond I came upon an area with a plethora of shallow, cut, close to shore trees. I considered running cranks through it but bass were holding to thick sideways branches half of which were sticking out of the water. The bass in said pond do not have a distinct favor towards spinnerbaits. I figured I should fish a soft plastic jerkbait, but the water was so muddy. Low and behold in my tackle box I stumbled upon the answer. I took a blade off a beetle spin, attatched it to the hook of a Texas rigged, gulp smelt, a caught a ton in no time. This is now hands down my favorite rig for shallow muddy, snag rich cover where only a jerkbait will do.
  22. I'm getting into crankbait fishing and i need to know when to use a lipless crank rather than a regular crank. What time of the year is the best, what kind of conditions, where to fish, how to fish. Everything i need to know.
  23. Any one have any tips for fishing Lake Guntersville during the warm summer months? I was thinking crankbaits, carolina rigs, and football jigs around deep structure. But what about fishing weedlines?
  24. Check out this video if this fatty I caught before the spawn. She was on a dock in 3 ft of water. I missed her the first time but she came right back for it after I got it back in there. 3lb. 9oz. Nothing but belly!
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