Got my PB today 21" #4-5oz at a lake I go to a few times a year. It also happens to be the lake I got my previous PB.
My set-up was spinning Legend Elite 7'6" M/F, Supreme XT, #6 Nanofil, 5" Bama Bug Senko.
In the 1st pic you may be able to make out a couple logs in the background (fish crib). I threw very close to the left side of the front log where there starts a patch of slop cover. I just let the senko do its thing after about 20 seconds I give a little shake but feel like I am stuck. I thought maybe Im snagged on log so give a little stronger tug and got a tug back. I set hook and fish heads directly left toward a big metal pipe culvert that connects to lake behind me. The water very clear so was able to get a glimpse of it and could feel it had some weight but still had to hold down to keep it away and managed to get it turned towards open water back right. Once in the open water just kept rod down so it didnt jump and got it landed.
The rest of the day caught only small 12" 14" ones. I also had horrible luck with my IOBEE frog hook-ups went 0-6
So had some downs but the PB made the day.
here a couple pics
2nd pic turned to get sun behind me