Would someone please explain to me how it is worth it to me a,fresh off the boat newbie, that spending 100 dollars as opposed to spending 50 dollars on a Rod is going to A) make me a better angler and B ) how it is going to make me catch more fish. Again I'm not talking aboutYOU who is an experienced angler, I'm talking about me, a person as far as fishing is concerned, knows nothing about nothing. And please don't tell me "if you just spend 10 more dollars...." How is that going to help me? I don't mind spending 100 dollars but as of right now if it is really not going to get me to catch more fish why should I?
I know that the Fury and the Ghost are good rods but if my skills and sense of touch are not there yet why? It's like a golf swing, if your swing is not groves to the point that it repeats itself time and time again it makes no sense in spending 500 dollars on a driver. Groove the swing first, then go get that bright shiny new toy.
Hoping for some insight