Cabin fever got the best of me today, weather was pretty nice in WI so I went out in paved driveway and started practicing casting BC as I have never used one before. I have two questions (I have watched glenn's vids on setting up and casting) very helpful.
Should I be worried about dirt on the line practicing out there or will I get dirt in the reel? Laugh, but it occurred to me about 25 casts in maybe I shouldn't practice out here, but everywhere else has 3 feet of snow.
My other question on my last cast I almost threw it on my neighbors roof but saved it, however when reeling it in the line did not seem to go on the spool their a trick or a way to get the line to respool tightly or will it correct itself on the next few cast. I am using 20lb PP braid. I didn't get any back lashes/birds nest the whole time thanks to advice on here and videos I have watched. I was casting 15-20 yards average on every cast.
Any advice is appreciated...