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Found 5 results

  1. Novice spare parts question here. Couldn't find an exact answer to this by searching, appreciate any guidance. I am looking to buy a spare spool for my Bantam MGL151XG, exact model link below with parts list: https://fishshop.shimano.com/collections/bantmgl151xg If I buy the "Spool Assembly" part # BNT5805, can anyone confirm this will include all sub-components so I can just swap out with the current spool as needed to change lines? The term assembly is suggestive that this would be the case but would like some reassurance before dropping the $. I am looking for the simplest solution to swap braid and copoly on the water, but I don't want to get into moving bearings between spools or anything beyond removing side plate for a quick swap. Obviously not the most technical reel guy. Appreciate any responses!
  2. Sorry if this is a dumb question. I do not know a lot about how reels operate. I have one and really like it, but I want to speed it up and use it for a flipping and pitching reel since it re-engages the spool when you depress the thumb button. The 6.3:1 is decent, but I am curious if it can be increased?
  3. I'm in need of a VariMAX 24v head assembly. I purchased this motor fm Cabela's in 2009. It is model number 9B847018, the part number is 879364T06. I don't know for sure the year this series of motor was dropped from the Motorguide line up but they have stopped stocking repair parts already. On the motorguide websight I can search for service centers within 150 miles of my location. Well, I'm in central Maine and there is not a lot of anything, letl along bass boat equipment service centers, within 150 miles! I e-mailed Motorguide and asked for a list of service centers around the nation but they do not have a list available to send to me. They insist that I just put in city, state names and search within 100 miles of each until I find one. I wondering if any of ya'll could give me the names and phone numbers of any motorguide service centers in your locales. Or maybe you know of a trolling motor repair shop that might have some left over parts or parts motors. I won't be shipping my trolling motor to anybody but calling to find out if they have any left over head assemblies from the time this series was made. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Effie4Bass Got to come up with a more appropriate screen name.
  4. Hello, I am new to this forum and I could use some help. I recently purchased a 6' Power Pole Pro model off of a friend of mine. The only issue is, I do not have a bracket to mount to my 2005 Ranger 185 VS Jack Plate. I also do not have a hydraulic pump. I am a college angler and am really trying to save some money buying these two things and they are both very expensive. I was able to find one or two things on EBay, but I am wondering if anyone has any other suggestions or one or both of these parts? I am also looking for a manual for this. I have an idea of how to install it but it would be nice to be able to look at a manual for help as well as pictures. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks very much! SCAR College Angler
  5. Where do you buy your custom handles, knobs, and other parts? I know of HawgTech, hedgehog studio, and semper if tackle.
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