Just wanted to see who had some insight on this. I am located in Central Pennsylvania and am an avid bass angler. I am having trouble locating bass in the lakes we fish during the dog days of summer (late July - August). The lakes around us are smaller reservoirs that are usually elecric only or have a limit on outboard power and the water temp now is around 80 degrees.
I have been running into a wall when it comes to finding bass in the heat of summer and can't seem to even trigger a bite down deep. I have been working all angles by targeting points at various depths by running swimbaits or cranking at different speeds. I'll also throw a dropshot, carolina or mojo rig working a lizard, tube, worm, or creature of different colors without a single nibble. The only thing that seems to give me success is working on the top or running a spinnerbait shallow early morning or twilight hours.
I know everyone is saying that the bass are deeper during the summer but I still can't seem to trigger a bite down there. Obviously, it is hard to be confident spending all that time casting in the depths without any success and I understand it can be exhausting. But I have spent a good chunk of time concentrating on putting my bait in front of bass down deep and still haven't had success.
My fishfinder will show me what I want to see with groupings down deeper on a flat or holding above a steep drop off so it seems as if my presentation is flawed. The only other thing I think may be the problem is that I may need to throw a smaller bait.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!