This is for all you shade-tree mechanics out there.
I just encountered a problem with my starting battery going dead on me while I was out fishing. Everything was going fine starting the engine as I was running & gunning from fishing hole-to-fishing hole. Then one time I went to start the engine and then it would not turn over.
When I got home I started looking into why and realized I needed a service manual on my engine to properly test the charging system. So I priced a service manual at Mercury Parts Department, it was $100.00 plus shipping for a new hard copy. That’s rough, so I looked on eBay and they had it for $50.00 plus shipping for a used hard copy; that’s better, but I kept looking. Then a Bing search came up with a site called Tradebit, and they had the same manual in a PDF file for only $8.99 with no shipping required; and I could have the manual right then and there. This PDF file is excellent, it’s clean and clear, I can find things with its word search feature, and if need be print out what ever page I need at the time.
So if you find you need a service manual for your engine try its worked great for me.