Sunday 5/17/15, 7:00 - noon, mostly cloudy, wind 12 E., water clear, levels normal and steady, 84* w/t.
Steve and I ran out west of the river to MM39. We had company today with 5 other boats in close proximity. We started catching right away, with bass hanging close to the drop off just outside the pad field. We started with plastics, and then switch to top water and H/B frogs. Both the top water and frog got some gar action but no bass. We went back to the plastics and the action was steady but controlled.
With the threat of storms we finished before noon. We caught 46 bass, several mudfish, and the big catch of the day, a 15 pound turtle. Steve thought he had a gator, but the turtle put up a slow steady fight. We caught two 3's, a couple of 2's and a bunch of dinks. It was still a fun relaxing day. With the wind out of the east fishing was an easy task, with only minor adjustments from the T/M .