I have a Gander Mt a mile down the road. A few years ago they built a huge wal-mart sized store. After they out grew there small store. The first few years in the new store was great. They had a huge gun and archery department. With gun and bow techs in store. If you needed for guns you could find it.
The fishing department was also huge. Tons of rods, reels, line, and lures. Come winter they would swap out about half open water gear for ice fishing gear. Usually I got good deals on open water stuff then.
The marine and camping parts were also huge.
Today I went in to take a look. I had no thoughts of buying just looking. First off was the fishing section. It was cut in half of what its been. The ice gear was taking up two aisles. The trolling gear was taking up three aisles. Mind you we live two hours from lake Michigan. Also there own baits use to be cheap. They wanted 7 bucks for there own spinner baits. Guess what strike kings and boo yeahs were right next to them. They only wanted 5 bucks for them They use to have racks of rods. Now all they have is a few racks of St. Croix rods and some other brands. Nothing like the 20 plus racks they use to have. There reel section has gone down hill also.
Next up was the gun and archery area. All I found for bows was some tips and a few shafts. No techs no nothing. I head a few feet down to there guns. They also use to have racks full of guns you could hold and touch with out asking. Now they have maybe a 50ft wall of guns and that is it. The best part is there behind the counter. I want to be able to grope the gun I want to buy. I do not want some one working for 7 bucks a hour telling me they need to put the gun back. Because they are going on break.
Any way I was looking at there so called used guns. I laughed at that. I have seen more guns in pawn shops and for better prices. Most of the guns they had. I could have bought new for a few bucks more. After having a good laugh at there so called used prices. I went to check out ammo. I know ammo is not cheap any more. But it was a few bucks more then wal mart and other places I can get it.
After almost having a laugh attack at there so called gun department. I took off to check out camping. There was nothing there any more. That section of the store was almost empty. I didn't even bother to stop and look.
It sad when there clothing department is the biggest part of the store. No I am not talking camo. They had maybe a few small racks for camo. Most of there clothes are casual clothes.
To me there store was going down hill long before the stock crash. A few years ago. Its been getting worst every year. Its getting to the point were I would rather pay a little more for shipping from a internet store. Then buy any thing from them. Is my local store the only one like this.