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Favorite Lake or River

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Found 8 results

  1. So lately I am having no luck catching anything whatsoever; the ones I do catch are really small and not keepable. As much as I enjoying fishing, I feel like I am doing something very wrong, or simply have terrible luck. I mostly fish ponds and creeks. Occasionally lakes or rivers if the opportunity arises, but that's rare, and I've never had any luck fishing from lakes or rivers. The weather here has been pretty good lately, so on warmer days when I see the catfish in my own pond jumping or making ripples, I try a few local spots hoping to catch something larger than what my pond currently has. Plus, my pond cats are spawning and I don't want to bother them until spring time. I hate to ask this, but I need to find some spots worth fishing at. I've tried all the local parks... once in a blue moon I can actually catch something, but typically I watch others catch stuff, or simply hear rumors that "yeah, that place has nice bass and/or catfish!", but never catch anything notable myself at those locations. Never had a keeper anyway, ever. I've tried every rig, every bait or lure imaginable... I am really discouraged and about ready to just give up on fishing and just buy my eating fish at the fish market, or just eat the cats in my pond. I prefer fresh ones I catch obviously, cause they just taste much better than the fish market. Another issue I have is snagging. NO matter what I do, I will find the ONE SNAG underwater that costs me my term tackle, or my floats, and fishing trip is over for me. Supplies are not cheap, and it makes me angry when that happens. I am seeking spots where there are actually fish to catch, that don't have hidden snags, sticks, rocks, or aeration hoses to catch on, since "weedless" setups do not seem to work for me. If anyone lives in my area, or near it, and knows some places to go that aren't too far away, I'd appreciate a tip or two. Not looking to steal anyone's spots (since I am apparently very unlucky, it's unlikely I'll do any damage to your fishing hole anyway lol), I just want somewhere I can catch 1-2 nice fish and call it a day. I am also looking for a fishing buddy or two... that know what they're doing, if anyone is interested. I hardly think I am totally incompetent since I do a lot of research on techniques, seasons, temperatures, etc, and have actually been fishing for most of my life, on and off... but obviously I need to change something I do, whether it's my rigs, where I fish at, or how I fish. I don't have a boat either, I am purely a bank fisherman. I'd get a kayak if they weren't outrageously priced. Any advice or tips would be great.
  2. I'm fortunate to be living in the land of 10,000 lakes. I'm currently renting in the Brainerd area. I work remote, so I can live anywhere. I'm super blessed. Any considerations regarding how to pick a spot to start looking for houses? I want to be next to different lakes, so I can enjoy fishing them. There are so many lakes, but then driving distance becomes a consideration. I feel like I'm too close to the situation, and I have never purchased a home before. How do I pick a spot? Thanks! P.S. Reposting from here (I put it in the wrong section):
  3. I'm new to bass resource! The most recent post about bass fishing in the area of south Atlanta was in 2012 when I searched. I was curious if there were any members that have any news on local ponds, lakes and even rivers. I live in the Fayetteville and Fairburn area and do a good bit of fishing. Been fishing all my life but have just taken up bass fishing this past year and am enjoying it! Thank you all for all your post and a huge shoutout to Glenn because his videos have helped me out the most in my transition to bass fishing. If anyone wants to fish ponds or lakes in and around south Atlanta, definitely let me know I would love to trade stories and locations with members, I've fished from Lake Peachtree, Kedron, Horton, McIntosh in Fayette County to Sweetwater creek, Glen Emerald and Piedmont park in Atlanta to some hidden lakes in South Fulton and Clayton. Anyone know of a couple of ponds in Fayette County? I bank fish 2-3 days a week and fish on a boat maybe 3 times a month
  4. To start thank you for reading and sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Okay so I'm really trying to get into bass fishing but I have colaught one good bass and a ton of little ones, which is fine I just like doing it. But my problem is that I literally have only caught bass in one pond. I've tried local lakes from the shore and with my job boat but I never catch anything and never see anyone else fish for or catch bass. I'm almost convinced they arnt around here. So if there is anyone in the area that could offer advice or some places to try that would be great. I've been to a lot of locations multiple times for 8 hour days and have yet to catch a bass outside of one pond. Thank you all.
  5. I recently moved to the area. Looking for easy-"ish" to get to places. I've been to the Liberty Park pond but haven't seen much action over there. I heard fishing at the Clarksville Marina was nice, but I don't have a boat so I'd be fishing from the bank. Do any of you know some good ponds/ offshoots of the Cumberland that offer good fishing? Thanks in advance for the help!
  6. Hello fishing peers, You can call me Regi or Jr.I go to college in Greensboro, NC.My mother stays in Riverdale,GA which is a little suburb.My dad stays in Goose Creek, SC.I am also from Gainesville, FL. I spend my time kind of split between these areas,especially the city areas.My dad was military so I've got to fish some good areas in the south.He started me fishing at the age of 2 and recently turned 21.I'm on my own now so I am still learning.I joined this site to soak up and learn knowledge/tips from you guys! I was wondering do guys in any of these locations know of fishing spots in these areas or around them.In GA,I've found a couple of spots in Fayette,Clayton,and Henry county since those areas are as far as I usually go.Atlanta has been hard for me to find spots since staying with my mom during college breaks in a city.In SC, I tend to mostly be in Goose Creek,Charleston,Walterboro area because of family.In NC, I've fished the Greensboro,Burlington,Fayetteville,and Jacksonville areas.Burlington I have had a lot of success.In FL,I know a lot of places in Gainesville,Williston,Chiefland,Bronson,Jacksonville.I mostly be in Gainesville or Williston in Florida due to family also.Fishing is a real passion of mine,hopefully I can share information and locations with you guys and vice versa. I apologize for this long post and I will try to learn the ins and outs of the forum.
  7. I've done as I was asked. At least the best I could. After going over the forums I'd like to ask the anglers of Bass Resource. Where can you bank fish in Comal County Texas? I have no access to a boat. It seems there's very little public beach front withing 30 miles of where I live. I have a couple friends that will let me fish their property. My favorite location has really slowed down. We've gotten lot's of rain so the water has risen significantly. I'm also limited to about 100 yard of area to fish. Central Texans where can I get access to some shore front. Publicly or privately. Cheers!
  8. Trust me when I tell you've I searched every possible resource I have. To try to find places near the Houston Texas area to fish from shore. Now don't get me wrong they're are a few places. And the majority of those are a hassle to do inaccessible shore line or gators. The others are family parks that have small fish for kids to enjoy. Does anybody know of any good spots near the houston area, where a shore fisherman can get his fix. All suggestions will be considered, and appreciated.
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