Alright guys, Jacob Wheeler fishes with us guys here in central indiana quite a bit out at Geist Reservoir....whenever he is home from the tour he is out there...and if you want to see a guy locate and catch fish like crazy, this kid is something else....everyone here knows how good he is and now everyone nationally is getting to know him.....He has won the Forrest Wood Cup, finished 2nd this year in the cup, just won the FLW event at Chickamauga a few weeks ago and now.....won the Ultimate Match Fishing title for this year.....unreal.....if you can locate and catch the bags of fish he does here in central indiana, you know he is good. Will he continue his way to the top? Don't know but all we do know is, if he is not on tour, he will be on a local lake here in central Indiana slayin em'. Sure is fun to watch. By the way, he's only 23.