Hello Everyone, I've been fishing for about 10 years now pretty seriously, and I'm ready to make a solid investment into a jerk bait dedicated rod/reel/line set-up - I'm looking for advice in what would make a great set-up. Here are some important details for those who would be willing to give advice: My Height: 5'10"
Primary fishing waters: Freshwater - Lakes of varying size (Pennsylvania) 90% from shore or wading/10% from boats, docks, or piers - most waters are stained or occasionally clear
Primary Lures: Rapalas ~ Original Floaters, Husky Jerks, X-Raps, Countdowns, and several other styles; several soft jerk baits.
Fish species targeted: LM Bass, SM Bass, Striped Bass, Pickerel, Muskie, Walleye, and Perch
What I'm looking for in the setup: MUST BE A SPINNING ROD & REEL COMBO - I'm looking for a combo that can provide both vigorous and subtle action, have the ability to have a deep cast, is not heavy will allow me to work all day without causing stress to tendons - and not tire me out (I work both from the side twitching and classic up and down), can handle the load of a 10+ aggressive fish. Additionally, I'm not brand loyal. I am expecting to invest some $$$ in the set-up. Please help.