Hey fellow fisherman,
Some friends and I fished Belle Isle on the Historic James River in Richmond, Va this last Tuesday. We caught a ton of sunfish throwing grubs, and a few channel cats on some fresh cut bait. We got a few smallies on some crawfish shaped crankbaits, nothing too big. We were limited to the shore, no wading, because we were on a school trip. The area we fished was a beach type area that you reach by turning left off the footbridge if you are walking in from the city. Even without wading, the trip was fairly enjoyable, and we are planning to head back Thursday afternoon. So now, my question is, do any of you guys know of any particularly good spots in the Belle Isle area, for catfish, bass, or anything else? And, have you found any specific lures or baits to work well there other than the standard stuff you would throw at Pony Pasture or Huguenot Flat-water? Thanks in advance! (: