Hello, recently I have upgraded the motor on my Jon boat from a 2.3 Honda 4 stroke, to a 9.9 Yamaha 4 stroke. Although there are a plethora of benefits from switching, I have found so far only one dilemma; that being It's a long shaft. One of my main reasons to buy a Jon boat was to have the benefit of cruising into the shallow waters that I fish. With a long shaft that isn't even possible to conceive. Being of no income at this time, I am planning to build a jack plate here shortly without the extensive use of welding. While thinking (Lets be honest, daydreaming) about this at school about a week ago I came to the cold truth that building a variable height plate would be to difficult and require a great deal of welding. So my question to you is- Where should my prop (or the main fin just above the prop) be in correlation to the bottom of my boat as a general standard? I want to be able to get the best performance out of it as well but just don't know how high is too high or too low is too low. Any help would be appreciated.