hmmmm.....interesting stuff here in Indiana. And maybe other states have this issue also but here goes........It seems like the lakes the DNR take care of and decide to stock with what they think is appropriate, are not nearly as productive for bass as the lakes they have no control over.....for instance, the DNR has stocked some walleyes in lakes that had great bass fishing....after a while those lakes seemed to not produce as well for largemouth.....but reservoirs such as Geist & Morse, which are run by the water companies, continue to put up both numbers and big fish....Monroe isn't as good as it used to be....Summit Lake used to produce great bass but after stocking it with walleye, down the crapper it went.....the DNR still states that Summit gives you a great chance for a big bass yet tournament after tournament all you see is small numbers and maybe a 3 to 4 pounder as big guys in other states have this same problem? Its not a cyclical thing either because you aren't seeing some of these lakes any different from 10 years ago.