Not wanting to hijack the heartbreak thread as I seldom get disappointed not landing one. I got to the inlet at 5:15 this morning, went on the jettie with conditions that I love. The incoming tide produces a lack of fisherman, meaning I'm there alone, gotta love it, also fishing the rip is where tarpon a big snook hang out. if more fishermen knew that I would't be alone, lol.
First cast with my windcheater I get nailed by a real nice sized tarpon, the fish starts pulling out drag, so much I had to run after it reeling in line in hopes of not being spooled. I ran from the jettie up and down stairs to the sea wall in the parking lot, maybe 500'+, I still have the fish on, then poof it's gone, got all my line and my lure back. Heartbroken no, elated yes, I had it on the line and in no way could I have lifted up even with my pier net, great thrill and that's what's all about for me. I did have 2 other smaller tarpon on that were landable but they threw threw the hook.
Daylight comes and I go cuda fishing on the other jettie, land 3 about 20" on light tackle, then I hook a blue runner. Before I get the runner in a big cuda cuts the runner in half and I reel up a head. I tossed the head out (I should have put the head on a bait rod with a bait hook and wire leader), cuda comes back and smashes the head, only to cut my spoon off. Landed but 3 dinks, but had a great outing.