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  1. Looking for other bass anglers in Idaho, Western Oregon, Northern Nevada or Northern Utah that want to get together for some kayak or motorless bass fishing. I am always looking new people to fish with. I fish out of a Hobie Pro Angler 14. If you have a small boat with a trolling motor on it I would be happy to go out and keep up with you that way also. Send me a PM if you ever want to get out and do some fishing. I fish in all types of weather. Jeremy
  2. Some of you may already now, but for those that don't, I volunteer with Heroes On the Water as often as possible. HOW is an organization that offers service members the opportunity to experience kayak fishing at no cost to them. For many of them, this is the only means of escaping the confines of the VA Hospital or some other form of rehab. It is very fulfilling to say the least. Last weekend, I took my son along as I had done on several past HOW outings, only this time it was a smaller event where we were paired with a lone service member. Along with another volunteer, we managed to put the veteran on several bass on the day. During the event, the volunteers are also fishing as well. My son and I ventured back into a protective cove and both hooked into fish. I landed my first bowfin, while my son landed his new personal best largemouth bass measuring out at 17 3/4". It was an awesome day!
  3. From the album: Hobie Fishing

  4. From the album: Hobie Fishing

    Here's the 2015 Hobie Outback I have rigged for my fishing style. You can see the rod holders I have added allow me to lay the rods down at a variety of angles to combat overhanging trees and low clearances. This is one awesome fishing machine!
  5. 1st fatty fell prey to a PTL Sick Stick 2nd fatty fell prey to a PTL Gator Guess you could say she really like the Gator!
  6. Had a rare opportunity to fish three days in a row this past weekend when the wife took the kids and went to visit her parents. I loaded up my gear and the Hobie Pro Angler and made my way to three different locations. The first day was a late start, so I opted to hit a local pond I hadn't fished in over two years. Ended up with 5 bass on the day with the largest at 17". Hot bait for the day was the wacky rigged Sick Stick and the 4.8" JP Hammershad on a texas rig. The next day was a casual day at a larger impoundment with a friend and his wife who was just learning to kayak fish. She was the hot stick on the day landing ten fish all in the 14-18" range. I managed a few as well on the Sick Stick again and on the 7" Finicky Tickler but nothing worthy of a photo. The final day found me fishing with a couple of good PowerTeam friends - the owners themselves . Needless to say, I was stoked. I landed my best fish of the weekend and lost a citation in the process. The start of the day was not so great. As Bob paddled up to me asking how's it going, I see my jig n craw swimming away from me. I set the hook and immediately my flipping rod doubles over and drag starts peeling. I fight the fish for about 30 seconds and bring it alongside to lip her and that is when I see what I have in front of me. The mouth on this girl was the biggest I had seen in my entire fishing career. I can see the jig is barely pinned in the corner of her mouth. As I reach for her, she jumps and throws the jig right back in my face - heartbreak!! And Bob just looked at me and said wow that was a monster. Well the next hour saw me miss three more hooksets. By now I'm getting more that a little frustrated, so I switch tactics and start working the 7" Finicky Tickler on a texas rig and start getting some nice fish. A few more casts, and a couple more nice ones decide to join the party...... As the day is winding down to a close, I was working the same area where I lost the big girl earlier and decided to try a different approach - a dead sticked Finicky Tickler. After about 30 seconds of no movement, I felt a solid thump and my line starts swimming opposite of my hull. I asn't missing the hookset this time - I reel down and give a sharp snap of the rod away from the fish and the hook buries true! The fight is on now and she is not happy to have the hook buried in her. I fought her for what seemed like an eternity with several drag peeling runs and turns of the Pro Angler hull for an adrenaline pumping sleigh ride. She has her mouth snapped close and refuses to open wide for me, so I just cradle her and lift her into the footwell. After a few moments to get the hook out and a quick refresh in the water to keep her active and respirated - a quick weight registers 4lbs even on the scale. A great way to end the three days on the water if you ask me.
  7. Managed to get on the water for a change last week for a bit. I loaded up with Medium gear rigged for smallmouth and spent the day on the James River. While the big brown footballs escaped me, I managed four species on the day: 2 little smallmouth, 1 largemouth, 2 gar (lost one over 40" right at the side of the kayak but boated a 22" - first one ever), and landed my personal best channel cat at 29 1/4".....3/4" shy of a VA freshwater release citation. All in all, a great day on the water. Here's the beastly cat.
  8. Well, the 2nd Annual KBF Open wrapped up this past weekend at Santee Cooper. It was held the same time frame as the FLW event that also took place. FWIW, we had scheduled ours over a year ago before FLW made their schedule. Apparently, some of the FLW guys were not too pleased with our presence. I had prepared for this event for close to a year now researching every possible spot that would be fishable given the instability of the weather this time of year. I had narrowed it down to five spots and felt good about my plan for the tournament. Tournament week came and so did the cold front - three nights in a row of falling temps reaching below freezing. The bite window was literally an hour in the morning and an hour right after lunch. Having a full moon was not the best either. I fished hard and qualified with a two fish limit on day one ending up in 14th place. I fished hard the second day going for broke and chasing some deeper fish on some structure but came up empty. By the time I headed back to my spot from the previous day to catch the second window, someone had just pulled out of it with a three fish limit. I needed three fish to improve my standing, but I ended up only catching one more qualifying fish and ended up in the top 30 out of 120 kayak anglers. The largest fish overall for the event measured was 24.5" and was caught by a new kayak angler on the first day of the tournament. I'm already making plans to purchase a Navionics card (thanks WayneP btw) to help with next year's event planning. We are hitting Kentucky Lake for the 3rd Annual bass Open. Should be a challenge, but I am up for it. All fish were caught using a PowerTeam Lures Sick Stick in Kitchen Sink color holding tight to wood - a deadly bait for picky bass in tight cover. Apparently, the chain pickerel like it as well. I landed a 21" and a 22" in a dormant lily pad field on the flats as well during the event. Fished day three in a private big bass event and ended up landing three fish, including a nice 3lb fish. If I had landed those three the previous day, I would have ended up in the top 12. Alas, it paled in comparison to the 7lb 9 oz slob someone else caught. Still good times though. I planned my fish and fished my plan. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I did learn later that I was the only person from VA that qualified for day two of the event. All the other VA guys didn't even catch a single fish. Apparently, they pre-fished and shut the area down by doing too much catching. My approach off not fishing my target area apparently was the right way to go. Tight lines!
  9. Received an invitation to a kayak only private tournament for PowerTeam Lures a short while back. Tough conditions: 22 acre lake Average depth 4-5' with deepest part of 8-9' Kayaks only No electronics allowed (I had mine installed but not plugged in) Provided lures 2 rods (1 casting, 1 spinning) 3 fish limit Catch Photo Release Post cold front Full moon cycle I knew the bite would be tough, of the anglers invited only three caught a limit. First place was a total of 48", Second place was 38", Third place was 36". I came in fourth with a length of 30" but that was with only 2 fish with the one below being the best at 17 3/4". Got him on a PTL Hammershad slow rolled. The other came on a 7" PTL Finicky Tickler on a shakey head. I knew the day would be tough, but I know if could have dialed the bite in sooner I could have won it easily. Oh well. Still a great day on the water.
  10. No cooperation from Mr. Brown Suit (aka Cobia to the un-initiated) but we had fun. Went out to Blue Fish Rock outside of Grandview in Hampton, VA and set out our chum slick north of the tips and dropped out live croakers on FF rigs. I filled my time waiting by chasing anything that would bite. Ended up with over 40 croaker (ranging from 5" - 12"), a couple small spot and several 10-12" roundheads. As you will see, the cI4 and AVID I purchased from two BR members got quite a workout. The first storm passed east of us and nailed the Eastern Shore. The second one grazed us to the south and soaked us to the core, but the last one hit us dead on with no warning from the National Weather Service and marine radar. Enjoy the video!
  11. Well, finally got a chance to hit the water for some fishing today. Spent the better part of 8 hours on two different bodies of water. First, fished a body of water loaded with millfoil and submerged standing grass. Ended up only catching two smallish bass in the 12-14" range. One on a SPRO Fat John in the Cell Mate color and the other on a PowerTeam Lures 5" Sic Stik in green pumpkin with purple flake. When I couldn't find another bite, I loaded up the Pro Angler and made my way to Bear Creek Lake and hit some familiar spots. Ended up landing a total of 10 more fish, including a 15" channel cat, a fat 8.5" pumpkinseed and a nice 18.75" LMB all on one lure - the Sic Stik. Here's a photo of the bass and pumkinseed.
  12. Here's the video from my trip this past Friday where I landed that fat 21.25" largemouth. You can see in the video and last frame how beat up her tail was from the spawn. Enjoy!
  13. KeenanC007

    Portside Marine

    From the album: Fishin' Adventures

    Sponsoring Portside Marine as a member of the local pro angler team for Hobie Kayaks.
  14. KeenanC007


    From the album: Fishin' Adventures

    My first voyage as a member of the Hobie Kayak local pro fishing team.
  15. Launched right at dawn this morning and fought gusting winds to 20-25mph all morning. Tried stalking the shallows for bedding bass in multiple spots, but the wave chop made boat position challenging and alerted the fish more times than not. Finally found a nice spot that I could cast to without spooking the fish and was rewarded with a fat 21 1/4" LMB. I ended up landing 5 on the day and a fat bluegill. Great day on the water albeit cut short by the severe storm rolling through.
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