Hey guys, I recently bought a used '07 Triton Tr176. It came with an HDS8 at the console and a LMS520c up front. I have a few questions regarding both, and any help would be appreciated.
1. I can only get StructureScan to work when the outboard motor is running, and it only reads correctly when it is idling. When the motor is turned off it says "No source." Is this how it should be?
2. I can only get water temp to show on the Structure Scan screen, not the sonar screen. Any way to fix this?
1. I just can't get the water temp to work at all on this one. When I go to turn on digital inputs, water temp appears but it shows as a flashing "32 degrees Fahrenheit." Pretty Sure that isn't right. Any advice?
How do you guys fine tune the sensitivity and color line? I want to reduce the screen clutter but still show all the fish and schools of shad.
Thanks a ton!