I had been eyeing this lake for a while and heard some great things about it so I went this past Saturday to see for myself. I definitely see that is a haven for bass with good cover, structure, food source, etc. Only downside perhaps is that it's very small at 850 acres. It is an electric only lake, so I figured less pressure and good odds right? Well I had a late start and didn't get to the ramp until 8 am. When I arrive there are already about 40 trucks/trailers there. All day long it looked like a long train of boats just following down the same lines fishing the same spots all day, over and over. Is it possible to just over pressure and out-fish at that rate? I'm sure through the week it's a different story, but still seemed like a lot of people on this small body of water. Fished for 6 hours and not a fish in the boat (missed one on the motor oil/chartreuse finesse worm and missed a nice fish on the bone color Zara Spook Puppy). Granted i'm not a good gauge in terms of fishing success, but disappointing day to say the least.
Does anyone else fish this lake and do you have a similar take or totally different in terms of pressure on this lake?