So I have been fishing at the same pond every time I wanted to fish this summer and didn't have enough time to justify going anywhere and "making a day" out of fishing. If I get a few hours freed up though, I have been hitting this same pond. I showed up there this afternoon thinking that I was going to maybe get a few bites before dinner time and I was greeted with the most disappointing sight. NO JOKE, I think 90% of the bluegill in this pond are dead. I saw everything from nice fat 8 inchers to tiny fry washed up on shore. I didnt realize how bad it really was, however, until an 18 inch bass floated belly up to the surface. I decided to walk around the entire pond and found the same scene on nearly every inch of shoreline. Dead bluegill, bass, and a few floating catfish. I did see a few signs of aquatic life, but it was the worst fish kill I have ever seen. Funny thing was, the pond right over the hill from this one seemed to be just fine. I am so mad! I lost my favorite place to practice and a really convenient spot to get a line in the water.