Hey guys,
I am no mechanic or even really mechanically inclined by any means, so I figured I would ask around here and see if anyone can help me identify a strange issue my old 2 Stroke Evinrude is having. Mind you this motor is from 1986, and is a cantankerous little machine - noisy, loud, and ugly as sin.
When I shift into forward and am travelling below about 60% throttle the boat intermittently 'kicks' forward almost as if I have bumped the throttle up real quick then it seems to drop out of gear, before catching back up to the set throttle speed. It's definitely a strange action that occurs every 45 seconds or so. When travelling on plane at full speed this issue does not occur at all, and the ride is normal, with no kicking.
Any thoughts? I'm not sure if this is a motor issue, a throttle cable issue, or something else entirely.