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  1. Good condition Dobyns 765 Flip Bought in the middle of last summer, more rod then needed. Good flipping rod, handles 1oz weights fine. $175
  2. My first experience with baitcasting and with the Carudo DC reel. This post will probably be amusing to bait casting veterans but possibly helpful to people thinking of giving it a go for the first time. The only fishing I've ever done is with a spinning reel. And I've been using them for awhile. Recently I decided to try bait casting. The only casting reel I've ever had was a 1950ish model at a time when if you wanted one you could use any brand as long as it was Shakespeare. It still hangs in my garage on a solid nylon rod and I last used it when I was about ten years old. I'm 64 now. I recently got a sweet deal on a Dobyns 735cb glass and decided to pick up a Carudo DC. Why? I looked online and everyone loves whatever brand reel their using so I guess they're all good. I had to make an educated choice and went with the Curado. I've never cast one of these reels. I figured the DC ones might let me ease into it more easily. Today the reel finally came in the mail. I set it up on the rod with 14# monofilament line. I read that it will be more forgiving to learn with. Later on I can change it out if I want to. As you can see in the picture I'm casting a medium sized Strike King shallow water crank bait to try this out. I cast off the pier at my home on Mousam Lake in Southern Maine. Initial casting tries I set the dial to 4. This is the one that keeps the most control over the cast. You can't cast too far but the chance of a nest is the least. I cast sidearm first. At the end of the cast I had a fuzzball. After working it out I did this a few more times and still the same result. I had adjusted the tension knob so that there was no side to side play in the spool as I had seen. At this point, after a few dozen casts, I became a manual bait caster using my thumb to brake and stop the spool upon hitting the water to avoid a tangle. Great... I had no nests and I learned to bait cast. The thing is what about this DC thing? I could have bought a standard reel for a lot less and used it like I will this one. Something was wrong. It's as if the dc thing wasn't working. Adjustments I decided to adjust the tension knob tighter. I did the drop test. I adjusted it so that the lure would slowly drop to the ground when it was released. I cast.... Better but still a moderate nest. After trying this a bit I adjusted it so the lure dropped more slowly. I cast; no nest. I cast several more times without my thumb. No nests at all. It's funny how I had trained myself to use my thumb in about a half hour and now I had to concentrate not to use it to see what would happen. These casts on the setting of 4 were about 50 ft. Going out on a limb I moved the setting to 3. A bit more chance of nesting here. Several casts and no nest. The lure was casting a bit further though. I moved the dial to 2. Casting revealed a substantially longer cast and still no nesting. After several casts at each of these settings with success I decided to try the lightest setting of 1. I checked the tension knob adjustment again just to make sure as I expected a nest. I kept my thumb ready and kept my eye on the reel as I cast. d**n. no nest at all. I tried a more aggressive cast overhead. No nest at all at the end. The only thing I noticed is a little loosening (fuzzing) half way into the cast but it quickly settled down. Pushing my luck I was casting about 125 feet. I know this because I know the distance between docks along the shore where I live. They are 50 feet apart. I thought that I would try releasing the tension knob a bit more to see if I could cast on the setting of 1 without nesting. My lure dropped faster when released. I cast and at the end of the cast it nested. Just about an 1/8" turn of the knob was all that was needed. I did try the looser setting using my thumb to control the cast and it worked good and got a longer cast but I put it back to the 'safe' location. After casting on a setting of 1 with the tension knob adjusted properly I did about an hour of casting with no flare ups at all and without using my thumb at all. I'm not getting 200 ft but I am doing about double the distance of my spinning outfit. Observations I came away from the water thinking that I really liked this thing. I can cast further and it's working well. With a little more use I will probably increase my distance. My fishing time is usually about 5-6 am. If I go in the morning and I get a fish I'll be able check out the feel of the rod too. I will want to work on shorter accuracy casts too. At least I shouldn't have to worry too much about the backlash if I do. Just concentrate on the cast. One thing I've noticed about this setup. The entire thing feels really different from my spinning outfit. A spinning rig with the reel hanging down has some heft to it with a center of gravity at the reel that you notice. My spinning outfit is a Shimano reel on a Dobyns 705 graphite. The casting outfit feels much lighter, even though it's glass, with no pivot point at the reel like a spinning reel has. Not a bad feeling just very different between the two. Also, I have the 7.4.1 gear ratio. I needed to crank in much slower than my spinning reel for the crankbait to have that just right tick-tick feeling on the rod tip while retrieving. I got the 7.4.1 because everyone seems to say that if you will have only one then that is a good middle of the road gear speed to have. So, that's my first dc bait casting (or any bait casting for that matter) experience. It took place in a period of two hours just a few hours ago. Maybe a fish on it in the morning... would be nice.
  3. I am wanting to get a new rod from either edge or dobyns. dobyns model FR765FLIP https://dobynsrods.com/product/fr-765flip/#reviews edge model Delta-FSCMBR744-1 https://edgerods.com/product/delta-fsc-mbr-744-1 Which one should I buy you guys decide.
  4. Hi fellow anglers I’m a banker slowly transitioning into getting more rods and getting into tourneys and one of the rods I’m lacking is a good dock flipping and or football jig rod I’ve been looking at a 744c champion but saw the 766 Fr on sale for 130$ witch is a heck of a discount due to being a bank fisherman I usually throw baits that don’t cover a ton of water but are high percentage when in front of fish like a shakeyhead jerkbait Texas rig but I’m looking for a designated jig rod I have been using a 733 as a jig spinner bait chatterbait swim jig rod but feel it’s a bit underpowered for football jigs flipping jigs and Carolina rigs the thing that scares me is getting a dc for 130$ does anyone own a dc 766fr or should I just spend the extra 100$ and go with a 744 jig special or a kayden 765 or 744 im kinda on the fence I have a few furies for moving baits and love them but like to go kayden and up with baits that rely on sensitivity hope to get some feedback thanks guys
  5. Hello all, I bought a Dobyns Champion DC703C rod roughly 2 months ago, and I'm loving it. It balances so well, it's the only rod I pitch with right now because I can do that all day without wearing out my wrist/knuckles/joints, ever! The only problem is that it's a little low on power than what I'm looking for, so I'm deciding to try and upgrade this one or grab a completely new rod. I'm liking Dobyns so much, I'm actually in the market for the Champion Extreme. Being the first $300+ rod, I don't want to make a blind purchase. And, I don't know of anywhere near here that I can actually hold a DX rod. So to the point, I'm stuck between getting a Extreme 704 vs 744. I want a longer rod, but the balance on my DC703 is crazy good, and I don't want to risk getting a DX744 if that extra length throws the balance off (meaning more tip heavy and tired hands). With the reel off, the DC703 (split grip) balances on my finger (parallel to the floor) close to about 5.25 inches off the top of the reel seat (right where the rod starts). Can someone with a DX744 post a picture or measure out the distance from the top of the reel seat to the balance point (reel off, and include handle type)? I feel that is the best way I can gauge how "tip heavy" the DX744 is compared to the DC703, if there is any difference at all. Thanks
  6. Hi guys, I need some good suggestions about a decent budget/backup sensitive bottom contact rod for light jig/worm application. I usually fish in highland reservoirs with clear water with rocky bottom and some tree and brush piles but very few heavy cover spots. Fishing depth in 10 to 30 feet. Just finished to upgrade my boat with new front unit and a new trolling motor, so no much money to spend in a new rod. I'm looking for a a light jig and worm casting rod for 1/2 at max to use with 12 to 14 lbs line. The rods I can afford and get here in EU are the following ones: Discontinued 2018 Loomis E6X 843, 844mbr, 853 and 854jwr for 170. I read a lot of reviews about them and can't figure out what is the best one for the use I need. Some loves MBR and some prefers JWR flex for b.contact. The new Shimano curado 7'2 M and MH for 135 I would like to try the Dobyns Kaden but no way I'll pay 260 for a rod that in US has the same price of Sierra line that I can consider in 703 or 733model. For +50 I can get the Champ.Xtreme St Croix Mojo that I owned in 7'1 MH felt mushy and not sensitive at all, so I sold it. I hope to have some suggestions from you guys, thanks in advance!
  7. Hello everyone, Has anyone heard anymore or have any info about the panfish rod that Dobyns is supposedly making for there colt series lineup? I've seen it vaguely mentioned in a couple articles such as the one linked here https://www.westernbass.com/article/colt-series-no-matter-technique-you-fishing-dobyns I recently picked up my first dobyns fury rod and love it and would be very interested in a panfish rod of the same quality -chandler
  8. Hello everyone! New to the forum as a member, but been a lurker for a little while now. I am currently wanting to get some advice on what my next purchase should be. I own the Dobyn's Xtasy DRX 742SF and love it! Not one complaint about it, but I am now wanting a casting setup. I am going to be picking up another high end rod for bottom contact, and it will be paired with a Shimano Metanium DC. I am going to use it for 1/2oz to 3/4oz jigs + trailer, smaller swimbaits, T-rigs, etc. Occasionally I'll even throw the Z-Man Giant TRD with their Mag Shroomz Head that will weigh around 1oz. Jigs are definitely the main purpose, though. I am considering getting another Xtasy, the DRX 755C, or venture out and try the NRX 894C. I know the 894C is rated up to 3/4oz, but I'm discouraged to move up to the 895C, because I hear how tip heavy it is. I have also heard the 894C can handle up to 1oz lures fairly well. A Dobyn's Champion Extreme DX 744C split grip is also on the board, but I am really focusing on the Xtasy or NRX. What are the opinions out there? Has anyone tried either, or both of these specific models? If you were in my boat (pun intended), what would you do? Thanks everyone!
  9. Getting my first baitcaster and am really struggling with what to get. I only bank fish ponds and most of all my Hard baits are 1/4oz-3/8 (Mainly 1/4) and maybe some 1/4-3/8Oz spinnerbaits (occasional 1/2oz frog) I fish t-rigs with 1/8-1/4 oz weight. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I got a lot of gift cards to Dicks and have been looking at the Dobyns Sierra 703,704 and the Daiwa Tatula 7’3” MH Fast. I’m open to any other recommendations on rods as well. Trying to stay sub $200. Thanks
  10. Hi, all. New to the forum, very sorry if this has been answered already but I can't seem to find a solid answer anywhere. I'm trying to decide between the Dobyns Champion XP 683 or 684 as my kind of all-around casting rod. I'll be primarily throwing smaller topwaters like 1/2oz walking baits, 75 and 90 ploppers, 3/8oz-1/2oz jigs, and 3/8oz spinnerbaits. I also fish primarily on small river systems on my kayak up here in MN, so I wanted to stick with a slightly shorter rod so I can cast a little more accurately in tight spaces. I've come across a lot of forums that say the power on Dobyns rods are actually one step less than they're advertised. I have a 1oz Chug'n Spook and a 110 Plopper that both weigh 1oz, so I was curious for you guys that are seasoned Dobyns owners if the 683 would handle these slightly heavier lures just fine (the 683 has a lure weight of 1/4oz-3/4oz), or if I should move up to a 684 (1/4oz-1oz). My only concern is with the 683 is that if it really fishes more like a medium, that I can't rip my jigs and spinnerbaits out of the weeds as easily as I probably could with the 684, but with the 684 I'm more or less concerned the tip isn't as soft as the 683's that when I get a bite on a topwater those treble hooks don't get ripped right outta their mouths. Any thoughts and advice would be very much appreciated! Thanks, everyone!
  11. Hi Everyone, I am looking at getting my first casting set up. I currently have a spinning pflueger president 6530 on a 6'6 ugly stik elite medium (super smooth and light). I am fishing 95% of the time in my pond in my backyard which is about 30 yrds x 30 yrds, so not too big. I found a great deal and bought a Diawa Tatula CT 7:3:1 for $90 so I am wanting to pair it up with a rod that will give me a variety along side my spinning set up. I want to be around the $100 range for the rod. From what I have read it seems the two main contenders in that price point are Dobyns and St. Croix. However, I hear the Dobyns runs light on power and St. Croix is heavy. I will say I ordered a Abu Garcia Blue Max (Walmart) baitcaster for around $70 and did not like the set up; I ended up returning it. It was 7' med heavy. The rod felt very heavy and stiff (not sure the model exactly). I want to avoid that. Like I said, my pond is not too big and i will most be throwing stuff up to about 3/8, maybe 3/4, doubt any 1 oz stuff. I am not a fan of the longer rods so I would stay in the 6'6 range preferably. I just want some advise on the powers and what you guys think. I want enough separation from my spinning that it doesn't feel like the same rod but also I don't want something that reminds me of that Abu Blue Max (heavy and stiff). Ultimately, would it be best to find that next level rod with the Dobyns Fury 663C (M/H), Dobyns Fury 664C (H), or the St. Croix Mojo Bass Med (since it runs heavier; the heavy may be too heavy)? Any feedback, experience, or advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, let me know if you have a Tatula and how you like it. Thanks, Adam
  12. Anyone hear about the new rods Dobyns is doing a test run on? They told me they are between a Sierra and Champion for only $120 shipped. Any thoughts
  13. My dad and I used to fish when I was young until he became crippled and then later he passed away when I was 13. He helped develop my love for the sport. My mother moved us across the state to a place that didn't have much water. I now live in Byron Center Mi and I'm trying to get into the sport again. I am saving to own a boat one day, but its is difficult with 5 kids. Since I don't have a boat, I rent one about 3 times a year and do mostly shore fishing in Elk Rapids at the dam. I am trying to puchase some new rods and reels and I could really use some help putting together my arsonal. Just purchased the SLX DC 150 and pairing it with a Dobyns Fury 7'0 MHF. I also just purchased a spinning rod which is a St Croix Avid X 7'0 ML to pair with a spinning reel I have (diawa 2500 I think). This will be my finesse worm rod. What else do I need? I think I might needs something a little heavier for a flipping/froggin rod. Thinking about a 7'6 Heavy fast of some kind. Am I on the right track? what would you recommend for my next purchase? My complete list of rod and reels are attached. What gaps do you see? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. Much appreciated. My Fishing Gear List.xlsx
  14. Just got a new spinning rod dobyns fury 7ft medium. Took advantage of the tackle warehouse sale 20% off and got it for $95. I went against my gut and grabbed it before the sale ended without doing much research. Did I make a good choice ? It’s gonna be my bass finesse rod.
  15. Which is better for bottom contact?
  16. I just ordered a Dobyn's rod on Amazon. I'm going from a spinning rig to my first bait casting rig. I'd already decided on a Curado dc. Had to pick one and after research it looked good. I was flummoxed though by the number and types of rods. All are wonderful depending on who's talking about them. I decided on a Dobyn's 735cb Glass. $239. No one carries them here in my corner of Maine so I'm online. Amazon has Prime so they take it back with little fanfare should there be an issue with it upon delivery. I'm looking at it on the Amazon site over a period of days, and bookmark the rod at the standard price. Today I'm on the bookmarked page and the rod's price is $125.01 with $6.88 tax. I'm looking at the name, description, etc and it all seems up and up. It says "the735cb glass is a medium heavy fast action glass crankbait rod rated for 10-20 lb. Line, 1/4-1 oz. Lures." And it's listed as new, And ships from and sold by Amazon. I immediately ordered it and it's delivery time is by tomorrow evening. A few minutes later I go back to the bookmarked page and it's listed at the $239 price. And it's still at that price. I have email verification of the correct item and the lower price. Waiting for delivery tomorrow but half believing something is amiss. Anyone ever heard of this happening or if I'm screwed? When it arrives I'll repost to tell you the results. I think I should also check my Amazon CC online to see the amount I was billed.
  17. Hey there, first post on BR. I've come here for more info than I can even comprehend so I figured it was time to sign up. I'm just getting into baitcasters (grew up walleye fishing), and I just received my Colt 705CB in the mail. I was planning to use it as a crank/jerkbait rod. But I feel like it's a little too soft for me as i'm trying to use it with other treble hooked baits as well and not just cranking. I read somewhere that Dobyns CB rods are rated on a crankbait scale and not your normal power scale. My question is will a 703c (MH/fast) be more fitting for multiple treble hook presentations as opposed to that parabolic crankbait style the 705cb (MH/MF) has. Thanks in advance! Also - plan on picking up a Fury 704c for jigs, texas rigs, spinnerbaits. good idea? EDIT: I’ve called dobyns and unfortunately for me all the guy are at the classic and can’t get back to me for a few days
  18. Hey guys, I'm looking at getting either a Dobyns Sierra 693 or 703 spinning rod as an all purpose finnese rod. I have a Sierra and a Fury which I love but this will be my first dobyns spinner. My only concern is that it won't balance well with super light reels, specifically a Daiwa Tatula lt 2500. Does anyone have any experience with these rods with super light reels? Thanks in advance.
  19. I’m gonna be picking up a new combo here soon specifically for spinnerbaits jigs and Texas Rigs and didn’t know what to get so i came on here and found what seems to be the perfect rod which is the Dobyns Fury 703c because it’s made for exactly what I need it for and I was wondering what reel I should put on it around the 120 mark is my budget for the reel and also I was wondering whats you guys think of the rod also how sensitive is it? Thank you Edit-As stated below the reel with likely be a tatula 100 but I’m still open to suggestions thank you guys for helping.
  20. Hi, I know there are a ton of posts on Dobyns power ratings and which one is this power and which one isn't. But I need a specific answer because all the other posts don't say, I want to throw t rigs that are 3/16 oz, jigs no more than 1/2 oz, and then a jumble of other things if needed. So really just an all around rod, but I don't know if a dobyns medium heavy will be strong enough for t rigs and jigs if it fishes more like a medium. So i just need an answer on whether or not i should get a medium heavy and it will be fine or get a heavy because i need strength on those t rigs and jigs? Also I am not throwing directly into grass but in most of the places i fish there are lots of pads and grass that fish will get themselves into when being reeled in so I might need the heavy for that. Thanks, Harrison ? *the bold and underlined part is my main question, the other parts are information that someone might need to answer it. Maybe not though*
  21. I'm deciding between a few Jig rods in the $100-$150 range, and unfortunately can not hold most of them so I need others experience. I'm buying a 7'-7'3 MH XF/F Casting rod for jigs/Heavy t Rigs. So far its come down to -Dobyns Fury (I own one and like it, but have nothing to compare it to) -IRod Fiber (People love the genesis, this is the same blank with cheaper components) -Cabela's Tournament ZX (sale for $79) -Lews Custom Speed Stick -Possibly wait for refurbished Dobyns Sierra ----- I need to add, There is a 6'8 MH veritas on sale for $40. (I don't mind that it fishes one power up). Ive felt the veritas but thought the material felt somewhat cheap, and I've heard it isn't that sensitive. But $40 is a VERY good price... I also am considering the DAIWA AirDX. I was going to buy it for a frog rod, but heard really good things and some swear that it fishes jigs with the sensitivity of a $150 rod. However, the very low price point makes me skeptical...It would Reallly help if someone could give their honest opinion of this rod. Thanks
  22. Anyone who has used this rod, is it sensitive enough for a good jig rod? I am willing to spend up to $200 on a jig rod, are there better options than a sierra at this price point? Also, is it more sensitive than the Fury? Ive seen people say its not and people say its much more sensitive. They are on sale at TW and im considering buying one. Thanks for the input.
  23. This originally started as just a thought in my head, followed by research, and now here. I use a St. Croix LTB "Plastics" (new model) with 12lb fluoro as my current light t-rig, shakey head, senko, and finesse jig rod, but because I lack self control it wasn't long before I began looking at some other offerings. Now a lot of us know every manufacturer makes a better rod by application. So, before I inevitably go off and purchase another rod I most definitely do not need, I would like to here some opinions from those whom have experience with these rods or similar. TLDR; I've been eye-balling G. Loomis' NRX 852C & 853C JWR because who hasen't. As well as Dobyn's DX 702C & 703C HP. I've been debating whether NRX claimed "superior lightness and sensitivity" outweigh the Extreme HP's own sensitivity, balance, and obvious value.
  24. Hey everyone, I've been waiting forever to do this - finally took my new fishing kayak out (Feel Free Lure 11.5 which I am in love with!). It is what I was waiting for to break out my new setups purchased over the winter months. I've been an avid bass fisherman my whole life, but only carried one setup with me for a good 20 years - a quantum ac500pt baitcaster on a bps bionic blade (6'6" M/F). That setup is still going strong after some winter tlc but now gracefully retired. Only last summer after getting back into bass fishing full on, did I purchase a second setup - a used version of my quantum and a used bionic blade, this time a MH/F (I wanted the same models/years/style). Well, needless to say, I really embraced the sport as I did when I was a child, and moved on to purchase some nicer equipment this winter, during sales and plenty of online shopping around. Here's what I ended up with along with reviews from my outing today: 1. Shimano Metanium 100 on a Shimano Expride 170MGA - 7' Glass composite Cranker; What can I say, this thing is a dream upgrade. Definitely my smoothest reel, casts effortlessly, and just a joy to use. With fishing being one of my main past times and way I rejuvenate for work and school, this was an investment worth making, and I'm so glad I did! I'm a big fan of the centrifugal braking system that Shimano has - feels more natural and smooth. Definitely different than magnetic braking, and once it's tuned, it's super smooth. The rod and reel combo felt like my lightest setup, but that could have also had to do with the balance, which is amazing. Slung my the lipless cranks I was using (1/2oz) the furthest I've ever casted that lure in that weight. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have more questions about this combo. Strung up with sufix 832 #30, which is an excellent line that casts super smooth - was super windy today so had a couple backlashes due to liberal tuning but the line barely dug in and was easy to fix. I had been using original Power Pro #30 on my old setups which is a strong and durable line, but does dig in more than the sufix. 2. Shimano Metanium 100 on a BPS Johnny Morris Signature series 7'2" MH/F. Well I've already told you about the reel, but I'm also in love with this combo. I had to get the JMSS to stay true to the power hump I've used for almost 20 years on the bionic blade. The JMSS is a decent upgrade from that with better blanks, and it is super light and comfortable. I had to have one power hump rod in my lineup! This rod loads more like a Moderate Fast, which I am really happy about as I was using it with a heavier, 3/4 lipless - again, this combo casts and performs amazingly! 3. Shimano Curado HGK on Shimano Curado rod - 6'10" MF. I had to pair these two together - how could you go wrong here? At first, I was concerned that I would be spoiled by my Metaniums and not end up liking this reel, but it is somewhat different. It is still smooth - not as smooth as the Metanium of course, but it's a great reel nonetheless. I'm really at odds between which one I like more, this or my Daiwa Tatula SV 103H that I'll review in a bit. I like that the side plate stays connected...definitely felt more comfortable adjusting it while on my kayak on a windy day than my Metaniums - talk about nerve wrecking lol. With it being so windy, I had to move my internal breaks to 3 versus my Metaniums which were on 2; however, I was also using a plastic worm with a weighted hook, so it was lighter and had more drag for the wind to carry. I was back lashing at first, but after setting internal brakes to 3, I was good to go. I think it can be said that the Metanium is an upgraded version of the Curado - both are very similar in look and feel with the Metanium being smoother and with better performance - and rightfully so. Am I glad I got the Curado? You bet I am...especially along side its counterpart rod. It's hard to compare to the looks of the Metanium and Expride combo, but the Curado combo is one of the best looking setups in my opinion. Super light setup (maybe not as balanced and as light as my Met combo's, but for the price it performs well). Hard to be disappointed with this one. 4. Daiwa Tatula SV 103H on a Dobyns Fury 705CB - so glad I got this setup! I feel like these two are a great match. I wanted a MH/MF setup (7') for chatterbaits/spinnerbaits mainly (and heavier cranks if need be) and with the SV in the mix, this fit the bill perfectly. Casted my chatterbait well with wind over 10mph and gusts up to 20mph. Granted, I wasn't casting into the wind, but I wasn't always casting with the wind either. The reel setup is super easy with just an outside dial to work with. I will say, as I mentioned before, the magnetic brakes on this are definitely different from the centrifugal ones on the Shimanos. They have more of a mushy or spongy (magnetic) feel, which is the best way I can describe it. Regardless, this setup was super smooth, and just ideal for chatterbaits. I paired the SV here, because I figured the SV braking system would be a good match for the higher drag baits I planned to use. I don't think I back lashed once with this setup, but I was also playing it conservatively with this one given I was using a skirted bait in high winds. When the wind dropped I was able to go down to 6 on the brakes, and averaged around 8. I might have been able to go lower, but didn't want to push it too much with the conditions. I've heard so many good things about Dobyns rods, I had to have at least one in my new lineup - they make amazing rods - light, sensitive, and high quality. Again, very happy with this purchase. 5. Abu Garcia Revo X Winch on an Okuma TCS Frog/Swimbait rod (7'3" H/F). This is my dedicated frogging setup and also reserved for punching mats. Spooled with original Power Pro #50. This one surprised me, guys. I wasn't sure how this one would perform, given the price difference from my other setups, but it casted just as far as my other setups today - this was with a 3/4 jig, however. Still though, it casted very well with no backlashes and I feel confident with this setup for heavy vegetation and pulling big ones out of it. A lot of people might wonder why I went with such a low gear ratio - I feel more confident with this setup as it is more likely I'm catching 10+ lb snakehead on this in heavy vegetation, and I just wanted a very low gear setup in my arsenal (will double as a deep cranker). The heavy rod performed well, and slung the 3/4 oz jig effortlessly. The reel wasn't as smooth as the others, but for the price, it did just fine. Happy with this setup as well! Well, that's what I have for now. I may edit this later as I try them some more, and might add some calm weather comments. If anyone has any specific questions for a reel, rod, combo, or comparison, please do not hesitate to ask!
  25. First off I wanted to thank you guys for the help on my rod purchase. It was exactly what I was looking for. I know alot of times theres no review after rod purchase help. I paired the rod with a tatula sv . It is really light balanced out and sensitive. Casts 3/8 oz crankbaits like a dream with no effort using 10 and 12 pound fluoro. And I can distinguish the differences in structure really well. I hope this helps another angler looking for a really nice cranbait rod.
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