So far this has been the worst season of fishing I've ever encountered in my 45+ years of bass fishing. Normally bass are practically jumping in the boat in late spring and I can do OK throughout the summer. This year spring was slow and summer has left me wondering if there are any fish out there.
I think the weather has affected things. The wild temp fluctuations in late spring with a few days of unseasonably cold weather followed by a few days of very hot weather. Then it went right to very hot for most of the summer and now it's chilly again.
My catches the last 10 times out:
1 small sunfish
1 perch, one 9" bass and one 12" pickerel
1 8" bass, one small sunfish
1 14" bass
I don't recall getting skunked so many times, ever. I've tried everything, shallows, deeper water, night fishing, on the water before sunrise. Plastics (unweighted, C rig, dropshot), surface lures, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, jigs, you name it. Even my go to spots on my home lake aren't producing. There was one spot where I could practically guarantee a bass or two even if the rest of the lake wasn't producing, Now even that spot is dead.
I even switched species and tried nearby impoundments famous for their trout fishing, bought lead core line to get my lures down and still nothing.
If it was just me I'd think maybe I was doing something wrong, but the other fishermen I speak with on the water seem to be doing just as poorly.
Has it been a tough year where you are or is fishing pretty much normal?