My buddy showed up at 10 and we headed to the local power plant lake. Get there and launch, water temp is 63 at the boat dock. Get to the hot ditch and its 75 degrees. Bass busting on baitfish everywhere. I am thinking to myself, holy crap this is going to be awesome. Start fishing the banks with jigs, cranks, and plastics. 1 hour not a bite. Move to the middle of the channel and start throwing spinners, 2 fish in 2 hours. Hmmm, not the day I thought it would be. Get up on the bank to flip and pitch to the bushes. WOW, baitfish everywhere and I mean all over the whole bank from one end to the other. See a bass and flip, bass screams out of there. We finish the rest of the day without another nibble. The whole time there were bass busting all over. \
It seemed like the bass were not even interested in anything because they were mixed in with the baitfish and could just nab one up if they wanted. I was frustrated because we could see the fish busting and cruising all around but couldn't hook up. What could I have done differently.