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  1. There was a good conversation last time I posted my crappie trip results and I promised that I would go into more detail on my next trip. Well, that trip was yesterday. Although they were not biting as well as the last time out (if you can consider 40 vs 80 fish a slow day) we were able to bring home some slabs for a friend who had never had crappie. That also meant I got to clean fish which was not what I wanted to do. This is my version of a crappie 101 and I'm sure others have setups they prefer. Gear: I included pictures of my 2 main setups. Obviously, I only use spinning rods for crappie but you could throw the float setup on a baitcaster if you are so inclined. Both of my spinning rods/reels are Quantum Smoke. Rods are 6'8" MH. I have 6lb mono on the casting rig and 8lb mono on my float rig. I have one longer rod that is a JLM Elite that I use for dropping baits between boats and docks. Presentation: There are 3 main ways I catch crappie. 1. Simple cast and retrieve on the rod with 6lb mono. Vary your retrieve depending where in the water column you want the bait to run. 2. Dropping and jigging the bait between boats and docks. Simply freespool the bait to the bottom (many times that's when you will get bit.) reel up about 2 turns of the reel and simply raise and drop your lure vertically. 3. Casting with a float. This is a great way to catch them and can be used from shore or a boat. I use the 8lb mono on this rig. Run your line through the float, tie on your jighead, put a small pinch weight about 3" up the line from the jighead (this helps the line feed through the float after you cast, acts as a stopper from reeling your jighead all the way to the float and gives better castability). Once you determine the depth you want your bait to be, I just tie a piece of fishing line above the float at that depth (you can use bobber stops). The line will reel up through the guides if I am fishing really deep but I like to keep my depth at around 6' if possible (that's why my rods are 6'8"). I cast the float setup out, let it settle, and then slowly lift my rod tip and pull the float, then let it drop. Pause for 30 seconds, then pull it again reeling up the slack and letting it sit. I do this all the way back to the boat. Most of the bites come as soon as the bait settles. Terminal Tackle: Although you might see a small spoon or a roadrunner or a hair jig in my bait box picture, 99.9% of the time I am throwing the Gamakatsu jighead I pictured. I also have small pinch weights and of course floats. I like the line through floats since crappie are light biters and will spit a bait very quickly. The Jigheads I posted are a personal favorite and are super sharp but it's a challenge getting 8lb mono through double for a Palomar knot. Scents: Most of the juices nibbles, etc., are a matter of personal preference. I us the 2 I pictured. I have found that the casting setup without the float normally doesn't need anything due to the moving action of the bait. I will say the Crappie Nibbles get stolen a lot and are sometimes frustrating trying to rig up. I use them to tip the jigs with either the tubes or curlytail jigs. I personally like the Smelly Jelly because it stays on the lure longer. I will admit, there are time either will increase bites. So there you have it. My go to set ups for crappie fishing and we had a great day. Any questions, just ask. Best of all, everything I showed fits in a small tackle bag and is easy to carry and transport. 3 rods and I can fish for crappie most anywhere. Sorry for the sideways pictures. This site flips and turns them and even if I go back in and edit them based on what shows on the site, they are never right.
  2. Is there a rod size/ action/ power that would work well for both trout and crappie? I mostly fish for bass and would like to add just one rod that could be used for crappie and trout- is that possible? Price would be under $100 for rod and reel. I would be fishing mostly in ponds but would want to try streams for trout. Thanks guys!
  3. I'll be in Indianapolis this Fri/Sat at the Convention Center, coming from San Clemente, California. I'll have 3-4 hours to go fish somewhere, including travel time. Where can I go that is nearby (within 20-45 minutes drive in an Uber or BlueIndy)? I'll have an Okuma travel rod & plastics. Any kind of fishing. If it's something I won't find elsewhere, even better. But really anywhere I can get a fish to bite, except pet stores :). If there's a tackle shop I should stop at for the appropriate local jig or bait, that would be great too. Also any advice for fishing in the cold. I'll have a heavy jacket and gloves. Thanks!
  4. Have anyone catch any crappie from the shore at the swift creek reservoir? If yes, what you use? josh tim
  5. Went out Sunday to check on the migration of the Crappie in the Potomac. Currently, they are in the creek channels and canal channels. In the process of searching with 2 inch tubes on 1/16 oz jigheads we caught Bluegill, Catfish, Ring Perch Bass and of course a fair amount of Crappie. Key was to find them on electronics and drop the jig down to them. They should be pulling up under cover with the upcoming cold weather in the forecast.
  6. Alright guys, I know this topic has been covered, but every spots different. I reguarily fish a quarry that I figure can't be deeper than 20 or so feet. I hit weed beds dead center on a 10-14 feet crank bait, I can't tell for sure but I can guess it's 15-30 feet dead center. The water itself is clear, and it's fished often. My question is what should I be doing differently. The rock walls are too far away to reach from one point and one rock wall doesn't start until about 15 feet into water where it cuts off 1 foot to, just open open water. I know fish are in there, they just don't bite.
  7. Next month we are planning to go casting for pike and wondering if someone can help determine if my current setup is ok? I have a spinning 6' ML with no line on it, and a spinning 6'6" M with 8 lb Stren Magnathin. As long as I have a wire leader will I be ok with the 6'6"? Should I just spool my 6' ML with the extra Stren I have? I want to be able to use it for the pike, jigging soft plastics for crappie and walleye, and slip bobbers.
  8. Dorado

    PB Crappies

    From the album: Dorado

    Those spawning colors though. I hate using live bait for panfish, but had to admit using live emerald shiners that night.
  9. I want to start crappie fishing and was wondering what are some good lures to catch then on and where to look. I live in Kentucky and I'm about 15 mins from one of the best lakes for crappie and want to get in on the action. also right now the lake I'd at winter pool and there's not much cover. how do I fish for them at winter pool and how fo I fish for them when it's not at winter pool
  10. Hello all, I'm out of Crossville Tennessee, and I have a few questions. I haven't really fished since I was young, and now that I have a son of my own I'm getting back into it. ive been trying for crappie, and I haven't been successful. i know the bait I'm using is correct, because i get at least ten hits before the lure makes it out of the water, but when i set the hook i always lose the fish. i don't know if I'm using the wrong hook, or if I'm setting the hook too hard. Any kind of advice at all would be much appreciated!
  11. Just received the Northland Thumper Crappie King. Something small but will be getting more soon! Can't wait to try it out!
  12. Figured I would start a thread on catching, tips, pictures of crappie. What is working for you?
  13. Looking for a place to take 2 young children to catch fish. Near hunstersville looking for a pond or small lake with bluegill crappie perch something easy for the kids.
  14. So I was fishing my pond and the bass are spawning right now. So I saw a bass on it's bed, but it was with a jet black fish, it looked like a crappie. The bass and the black fish would kind of rub up against each other and one would swim off and eventually come back, they were doing that all day. So I don't know what kind of fish the black one was and why it was there. I have a small pond, not even an acre. not a lot of bass in it, mostly crappie and bluegill. So thanks for any help, I just want to know what might have been going on there.
  15. I'm thinking about taking my new bass boat to the Occ reservoir, I've never been there so I was hoping to get some tips for crappie fishing since it's still a little too early for bass, but any tips would be greatly appreciated! Where's the best boat launch? Bull run or fountainhead? Places to avoid? Places to go? Thanks to everyone who responds! -Charlie
  16. Hey my name is christopher i live in clarksville TN and i am looking for friends or any serious fishing partners i used to live in NC but moved here recently and i am looking for someone to fish with! Im okay with fishing by myself but i would also like to have someone to go over night catfishing or day time fishing in general. I just need people that i can get ahold of to ask if they want to go fishing haha.
  17. I'm just getting into the idea of making my own jig heads and am very determined to do so. I've been doing a lot of research and finding that adding tin to your lead is a good way to strengthen them. BUT, what I cannot find information on is what the pros like TTI/Road Runner, Bass Pro, Sworming Hornet Lures, etc. tend to use. I would like to make sure I have a quality product, not something that is going to come up with dents and scratches when you drag it across the bottom.
  18. Calling all St. Louis people. Anybody having any luck out there? I can't seem to find anywhere that will produce a stringer's worth for me. I've been everywhere from Busch Wildlife to Bee Tree Park to the Meramec/George Winter Park and have the same results...............small fish. Catfish are about the only thing I've caught consistently with decent size. So, my question is: Is it just me? My baits? Or has anyone else been striking out more than normal lately? I use the typical setups: soft baits and willow blades (see my profile picture), lipless cranks (usually sexy shad color), poppers (also shad colored), worms (blue/black, watermelon/green, pumpkin/green, or watermelon/red), and once in a while Jig (gotta have that pig trailer)
  19. I would like to have a central crappie fishing feed on this website, so if no one can point me to one, let's make this it. Any tips, advice, reports, or questions are welcome. I have a question myself. On Toledo Bend, you can catch crappie by the hundreds over brush piles in June. This year, however, was not the case. Anyone know a reason why? I can only think about the rain possibly affecting it but I have no clue.
  20. Crappie Hunter

    My 10E

    From the album: Pelican Raider 10e

    I keep adding to this Pelican Bass Raider. Today I just got the 2.3hp Evinrude running, so I'll be making more changes for river trips, but just use the electric for lakes and ponds.
  21. What are your Top 3 Crappie Catchers?
  22. Trenton

    King slab

    From the album: All other fish

    Me and my buddy caught this trolling around for bass. 3.2lbs
  23. Does anyone know any decent crappie spots in the Denver metro, preferably Aurora?
  24. I do all kinds of fishing during all times of the year, and I normally do fairly well. But I am looking to take my fishing experience to the next level. I fish from a 12' Lowe Jon boat and a 20' Procraft bass boat. I live in Michigan. And I am new to the market of fishfinder. Well I have a old Hummingbird but all its good for is telling me the depth of water. I am looking for any advice for buying my first fishfinder. My price range is around $500. I have done some research and have looked at a Raymarine Dragonfly Sonar GPS and it looks nice and is around my price range but I don't know much about fishfinders. It should be noted that the majority of lakes around my area are 50-150 acres. I would like to primarily use the unit to help locate my crappie honey hole easier which is in about 10-20 ft. of water. And to catch deep bass. And the average depth of water I fish is about 10ft. (the reason I add this is I've heard different fishfinders give different readings depending on depth) A key feature I would like it to include is a map so I can mark areas I've caught fish. THANK YOU!!
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