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Found 15 results

  1. The first weekend of October im dedicating both days to nothing but attempting to put a tiger in the boat. The lake in question is Newman Lake which is about a mile from Idaho I believe. The lake itself is not the largest, and I'm pretty sure the whole thing can be fished in two days. The lake hosts a few bays as well as lots and lots of docks for cover. I'm not sure about how much aquatic cover will still be alive when I arrive so currently the game plan is hitting up docks and such. As far as lures go I have a micro double cowgirl, red devil spoons, micro bulldawg, Classic dressed Mepps #5, and a smaller "Mcglide" type bait plus other random swimbaits as well as the gear to handle them. I also have a large landing net and gear for hook removal. This body of water is stocked with Tigers often so there are most definitely fish to be caught. A Lot are caught just by bass fishing. Other fish / prey in the lake include largemouth, crappie, bluegill, perch, rainbow and brook trout. I'm willing to take any information regarding these fish, especially from the esox guys! Thank you!
  2. I'm up in the Twin Cities, looking for spring largemouth on natural lakes. How important is it to find weeds when investigating potential spawning flats and bays? I know that harder bottom is important at all times but it's never been clear to me how much bass prioritize proximity to cover when they spawn. Thanks for any feedback.
  3. I'm fishing a new pond today, (very small) and the whole shoreline is covered in weeds, trees, etc. (a lot of vertical weed cover in the water by the shorelines in some places) How should I fish this type of cover? Would a texas rig be a good choice? Also, should I flip and pitch, or cast?
  4. Hey, I never really fished in heavy wood cover before because the fishing for my local species is very different. Caught all my Bass on Spinnerbaits and Crankbaits and Worms. The cover consists mainly out of old, isolated, half- or completetly submerged trees with thick branches and big laydowns around rock bottom. Like here: I want to use 20# AbrazX on my Avid MHF. The Bass here are not getting really big (8lb+ is huge!). So there is 3 Methods I seperated but I dont really know what to use/ which one has the best hookup ratio and the lowest snagging ratio in this type of Cover? - Flippin Jig? Very simple but maybe too big profile, have my eyes on the Ike Mini flip Jig. - Texas Rig with EWG and bobber stop - Texas Rig with flipping Hook snell-knotted and bobber stop paired with beaver baits like Baby DBomb and the Berkley Pit Boss. I plan on fishing lower weights first on the edges of the Cover and then get down in it with the bigger bullets. Water temp will be around 68 to 77 degrees F. (20-25 deg C) So how should I rig this up?
  5. Hey All, As a newb to jigs, I've read a lot and watched a lot and use weedless (???) jigs. They catch bass! Lately, I've throwing SK Hack Attacks. Why are my jigs hanging up on wood when I "read" that they're "for" heavy cover like wood? They seem like they'd easily pull around the stuff without hooking up. Hooks are for fish lips only! Note that these jigs I'm tossing are not modified and I'd really like to put them into the laydowns on the lake I frequent to pull out a monster or two (...or more). Tricks and tips welcome and appreciated! Thanks!
  6. Hey guys, my family owns a cottage on a small lake. The dam on the lake broke during hurricane sandy, but now that it is filled in again with a new dam, I'd like to put some cover in to help promote fish growth and spawning success and so on... you get it. I know that the time to do it would have been when it was high and dry, but I couldn't find a time to do it. I'm Thinking of making some concrete and PVC "xmas trees" and sinking them in various places, but I'd like some input as to where those places should be. Also, I've thought about putting down some sort of pea gravel in places... would this make a good spawning spot? Any suggestions are welcome, Thanks! I've included two pictures below.. one of the lake with no water and one with it full, although the name is blanked out... for obvious reasons
  7. I see a lot of people on these forums from Florida,Texas,California, and many southern states. Unfortunately I see little talk of northern tactics and teqniques. Specifically for Minnesota lakes, lakes filled with pads and weeds. What sort of teqnioches do those of you who live in this frozen hell use? I plan on using mostly wacky worms, jigs, and spinnerbaits this year. Jerk baits early in the season. What else would you suggest? Thanks!
  8. Hi! The topic covers my question. In the end I'm sure you'll tell me that cover on structure is the real money. But from my experience last summer on a lake I frequently fish, cover seemed to be the most important thing. There's a rather large bed of healthy weeds sitting on a slowly sloping bank between 8' and 15' of water that was always stacked with fish, yet there's nothing interesting in the structure at this point. Where as I found other areas with points, drop offs, ledges that would hold fish on occasion but were not as consistent. Is it just because the first weedbed I mentioned is likely home to many bass where as the structural areas are more likely routes the bass use to go from one area to another? I feel more confident that I'll find fish in an area with cover but little structure than if I find structure that has no cover.
  9. Ok so I know it is not used to "find fish", but I was wondering. It's spring time and I get out on the water and see fish suspended at about 10 ft (notable arcs.) I move into the shallows looking for structure and cover, and I see no fish on the finder, maybe some small clouds of baitfish. Should i still try to fish a spot, or pass it up if i see no "arcs"? Maybe a stupid question, but I'm fairly new to fishing off a boat Thanks
  10. I have suddenly noticed a shift in the descriptive language of lures. More and more, I am seeing phrases like: "a seductive shimmy," "sexy action," "an enticing wiggle," "an attractive color," "tempting vibrations," "irresistible movement," and "provocative presentation." I understand there are some similarities between women and bass, such as often releasing many before finding a few worth keeping, inevitable backlashes in the pursuit of them, the testing of one's patience, often being impossible to work with, and being able to so easily entice a man into obsession, but although I love a skilled conversationalist, I don't find massive mouths, extreme aggression and the ability to eat something 1/3 their body size to be attractive traits in women. Are we undergoing a shift in fishing style? Are we done offering false food items, and instead seeking to seduce bass? If so, we should stop using green pumpkin and bluegill jigs and throw pink voltage lipstick jig heads with a sexy-curvy shad skirt instead. No more baby bass crankbaits, you'd be better off with baby momma bass cranks featuring a sensual shimmy and promiscous wiggle. During the spawn, no more senkos, try instead an Xtra large driftwood on a 5/0 hook with ADT salamander shield security system and bodyguard swim baits to fool bass into believing that your offering might protect their fry from those bluegill ruffians. After all, raising 10,000 fry is so hard for a single male in this economy; what they want isn't food, but security. What about you, what is your experience with this bold new world of bass allurement? I would go on, but it is imperative I start smearing lip gloss om my swimbaits. Ciao
  11. hello guys I fish lake anna, VA a lot. In fact that's the main lake I fish so I have been catching bass on the edges of deep(8ft) and shallow grass(1-3) using senkos. I feel like I could catch a lot more if I started flipping and pitching into it. I have a couple baits in mind to throw but im unsure about the equipment to use. I have a few questions 1) can you flip and pitch braid? 2) what kind of rod such as medium, or heavy....? 3) what are good baits to throw into grass? 4) what is a good reel ratio for this? 5) what height for the rod? 6) what size weight? 7) pegged or not? 8) should I just let the bait sink then drag it across bottom or pop it up in down? 9) should I try topwater? and I know this is a stupid question but how exactly do u flip and pitch I cannot find a good video that shows it?
  12. WHich do you prefer tight or wide action crankbaits and when...and in what cover. How would you tell in store the action a crankbait would have. I have never seen why somebody would want a tight action and as such i gravitate more towards stickbaits than shad crank unless they are sharebills. What aboud you?
  13. I personally love weed beds in summer, and logs/blowdowns in spring. Rocks are great in early morning and anytime during spring due to their absorbtion of warmth/radiation. when it comes to choosing in summer between weed beds and logs, indecision reigns. What about you? what cover do you favor based on weather and time of year.
  14. Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and can't wait to learn a ton. As the title says, I fish from shore. This means I don't have a boat or a fish finder. So what I want to know is what the best way is to identify underwater structure or cover from the shore. I have tried to "feel" whats underwater with my lure but I can hardly tell how deep it is, nonetheless what is on the bottom (I use a fiberglass rod and mono line). Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Brian
  15. Wish me luck. I'm going to try to find some cover placed by the game and fish commission with electronics. The main goal is to learn the new depth finder, but I will definitely be doing some fishing too. The weather is supposed to be clear skies with westerly wind around 7-10. Water temp should be around 50-55 degrees and will definitely be clear. Anyone have any suggestions on what to throw first? I had a heck of a time deciding on what to tie on. I had in mind trying drop shots if we find fish on points. Thanks in advance, Paul.
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