I haven't posted in a while and it's only fair to post what's going on to help others...
Last Monday, Brian and I hit Twin Lakes in Salisbury, CT at about 9:30. We were stocked with meal worms, medium sized shiners and enough gear for four men. We were told by a local that the Salmon were biting and jumping. We were also told the Browns were jumping literally out of the water.
We didn't have to go far. Just beyond O'Hara's landing, salmon were flying out of the water. We rigged up meal worms with a long liter and let them sit. On other poles, Brian was running a spoon, and I ran a yellow inline spinner with a flashy red hook. I caught my first Copehagan (sic) ever. I wished I weighed it, because the record is only like 2.4 lbs in CT. Shortly after, I caught another salmon that oozed eggs everywhere in the boat. I tried to get her back out quickly.
Brian didn't hit the salmon, but found himself landing a massive pickerel that devoured his shiner. This was all before eleven. The weather sucked. It was cloudy, windy, and the water was choppy. We hit the other lake with no action in the shallows or in the fifteen foot range of water. The vegetation looked strangled in the shallows.
Back on the main lake, Brian landed his first salmon of the day. They were still jumping around, even at 3 in the afternoon.
All in all, a good day. Only so many more of these days left....