Hey guys, at the advice of another fisherman, I needed to clean my spinning reel.
I have a Shimano Sahara 2500FD. I recall that when I first bough this reel it was butter smooth, and of course got a little worse over the next year and a half of use, so it appeared it needed a cleaning.
So yesterday evening I took it apart, made careful sure not to remove any parts that didn't need it. Wiped a bit of the excess lube off of it, and lubricated where the user manual said to apply......just a drop or two. I heard that if you don't think you've applied much oil then you've applied TOO much and to back it off even more, so I don't believe I over-lubricated anything....however. After I put it together, I get a sort of grinding sound when I reel. Not hugely noticable, but there nonetheless. I was very careful to make sure I put everything back together just as it was. My question is why on earth I get this sound? Literally in all simplicity I took it apart, dropped a couple drops of oil on it, and reassembled it.....now it grinds. When I first bought it I remember showing a friend of mine that without line on it, when you gave the handle a quick spin, the bail would make 13 rotations before it stopped.....now it goes about 6.
Any ideas from the expert reel cleaners out there?