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  1. Hi I hope I found the right topic section I’m looking at getting some braid for my PENN Werfare boat rod with multiplier reel combo, not used braid before was wondering if I should go with a 40lb line or would this be too much for the rod/reel. only used mono before but was gonna run with a leader for mono, I was unsure of the length of braid I would need to by too was gonna get a 40lb 50m, it is just for some sea fishing mostly dog fish, pollock the occasional tope. any help would be great thx.
  2. Hello I’m new to the forums and looking for help. When I’m spooling my baitcater reel after I’m done half the line is tangled or knotted in its self and when I’m pulling it back it’s almost like the line is peeling out from like the back opposite side of the baitcaster reel. It is only doing this for braid I spooled up a reel yesterday with fluorocarbon and it was super easy. Does anyone know what I can do to prevent this thx Marcus.
  3. Before i spool up my reel with the new nanofil after getting a replacement i was wondering if i needed to add tension to spool even with line spooler to prevent it from digging into itself This is how i spool This method works and you wont get tangles unless line has kink in which case that is going to cause it to form a loop and tangles but was wondering what you guys thought if that was enough tension to prevent it from digging inti itself or if I should apply additional tension
  4. Hello, To those who have a Shimano Scorpion DC17 or DC reels, what lb test braid gave you the best performance? From online research people a lot of people are recommending 40-60lb braid, others say 30. On guy on youtube used 20lb braid and after a while dug into the reel creating ugly and nasty ridges.
  5. I am new to salt water fishing, and recently bought a Battle II 3000 and Daiwa BG 4500 to do some fishing in inlets and salt water rivers, as well as try out some surf casting. I do realize some bigger reels would've been better for big fish surf casting. I am fishing Cape Cod in the Bass River area. I am wondering two things. I have seen and read a lot about backing your reels with Mono and mainlining braid and then using a leader. I am wondering what lb test for each of the 3000 and 4500. For each reel, What is the ideal lb test to back mono, mainline braid (lb test), and then leader lb test. What lengths of backing, mainline, leader should I be using for each. Should I use the guide lines on the reel for each? I have seen very varied responses on other posts, which I am assuming is mostly preference. Second thing I am wondering, is what are some of the better lures to use for this type of fishing, and live bait setups. What weights should be used, rigs, etc. Any advice would be great. Thanks! Ric
  6. I am planning on using my 6'6" Medium spinning rod and 6' ML spinning rod for more river fishing in NC in the Charlotte area. I want to spool the reels with 6 lb test but should I spool it with fluro or mono? I would consider 10 or 15 lb braid to fluro or mono but I don't know how to tie the knots and sometimes using a barrel swivel can be a pain. My goal would be to catch smallies but no idea if that's even realistic in my area so would be happy to use mostly the ML rod and catch any species I can in the rivers. Thanks for the help!
  7. I am a bank fisherman, who is also on a budget. I want to start using the Texas rig more. I have 1 quality bait-casting combo, an Abu Garcia Black-Max Vengeance 6'9'' M. I currently have it spooled with 20 lbs braid. Again, I am a BANK FISHERMAN. My question is: Should I use a leader to help with stealth? Or just use my braid like I have been? Also, should I use a leader all the time for different lures like lipless crankbaits, or jigs? I feel that if I use one and get hung up, I will only lose my leader, and a lure instead of 30 plus feet of braid. I have some 8 lbs mono, and can't really afford to go purchase an entire roll of F.C. Plus I don't want to get away from my braid because I use the same combo for top water frogs, jigs, and everything else I decide to fish with. You guys here at BassResource.com have always pulled through and gave me quality advice, so please don't let me down now!
  8. Hey guys, I use braid to leader for most of my applications. I’ve used original power pro and kastking super power braid (both 4 carrier) with no issues. Well I got a new rod/reel and decided I wanted to try an 8 carrier, in hopes that it would be smoother and quieter coming through the guides. I purchased Daiwa J braid X8 when I saw how low the price was. I have found that it IS quiet, but sometimes during a cast the spool will stop quickly like a backlash, but there is no overrun on the spool. Has anyone else had this issue with 8 carrier braids? Is it just the J braid? Or is it a coincidence as I have never seen this before. Thanks in advance. All lines in question are 40 and 50 lb test.
  9. I want to start hand tying jigs, buzzbaits, and spinnerbaits but I am not sure what lb braid to use to do so. Most of the jigs are about 1/4 oz - 3/4 oz, buzzbaits and spinnerbaits around 1/4 oz - 1/2 oz, but the most common weight for all being 3/8 oz.
  10. Hey everyone, I’m looking for some recommendations for a good jerkbait rod specifically for the dreaded northern pike! Right now I have an avid x 6’6” med heavy fast with 30lb braid with a Lews tournament mb (which the gears just went in) but my problem with this setup is I can’t cast very far with baits such as x rap 12s and husky jerk 14s (which is what I primarily throw) especially into the wind. I believe my problem is having too stiff of a rod that doesn’t quite load up. I’m looking for something in the 6’6”-6’10” range. I can’t seem to find out what would improve my casting distance more, a medium rod with a fast tip or med heavy with a moderate tip. I’d like to stay with the med heavy because there are some pretty decent pike up here. I’ve also heard about some rods that are stiffer than rated like a medium would feel more like a med heavy. Also should I stick with a casting rod or would a spinning rod work better? If you have any other tips on how I could improve my casting distance without getting a new rod that would be greatly appreciated. thanks for your input, Dave
  11. I recently birdnested rlly bad on my bait caster with 15lb braid. Had to cut about 80yards off the reel. Went and bought some 20lb braid and didn’t wanna waste the remaining line on the reel and decided to tie the new braid to the remaining. Is there any reason that is a bad idea or?
  12. So I've been using 40pb powerpro on my baitcaster and sometimes mid cast it will stop suddenly and there will be a line in the spool over my line that caused it to stop during the cast it's really frustrating so if anyone could help I would appreciate it.
  13. I keep having this issue, I hook into a decent sized catfish and I've been using 15lb braid in one of my reels and 20lb braid on a baitcaster and when I hook up I fight the fish my drag is set up and everything for it but when I get the fish a few feet from shore the line snaps a few inches below my wieghts and I dont know what the deel is I've tried holding my rod lower so I dont have as much tension on it but it keeps breaking and i recently set my baitcaster up with 30lb braid and i havent caught a fish on it yet with that line and I'm wanting to see how that does, any tips or advice i should try while I'm hooked up to see if it doesnt snap?
  14. I have never thought of this before but, isn't it dangerous using braid that let's say could be 50lbs? If there is a boat or some guy on a ski jet, and you don't see them and cast, cant the line gets tangled with the boat/motor? or the person in it? isn't it possible someone could get killed? or if you get snagged and try to pull the lure out and the lure comes flying back? will it break rods? or am I just paranoid?
  15. Need some clarification; Is it recommended or not recommended to use braid with a slow oscillation spinning reel and why?
  16. Has anyone used this line? Braid, fluro, mono,fly line, catfish line.. any of it?. I can't seem to find a distributor in the US. I would love to try the 12 carat line or the platinum line of braid.. found something on Amazon UK. That's about it. Nothing concrete locally.. https://www.climax-fishingline.de/en/products/braided-lines/ Here is their main website.. if they make fishing line anything like their cars, It would be lights out!
  17. I’m looking into getting a shimano curado DC 150. I’m not sure if I should use mono or braid?? On my first baitcaster I’m using braid and it’s all right. I will be throwing just about all kinds of baits for bass fishing. But my friend has his spooled with mono and it’s definitely different? So what are the pros and cons? What would you go with? - thanks Anthony
  18. I recently asked a question about big game mono and after a lot of positive reviews and suggestions I went out and bought some 15lb line and spooled it up. Here lies the problem. I have only used a baitcaster for a year and a half and only used braid, 30lb 4 strand braid to be specific. When I practice pitching I am getting quite a few over runs and a few full on backslashes. I tighten up the spool tension and increased the brakes a bit and its a little better but still getting far more than I did with braid. Is this due to line memory? Or does mono behave differently on the spool? Would line conditioner help this? Feels like I am relearning how to use a baitcaster. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
  19. So, I got tired of respooling over and over and over and went to braid on all my reels this year. I fish braid to a leader on 90% of my presentations, the only reel that doesn’t have braid on it is on my cranking rod. Turns out replacing leaders all the time is a hassle too haha! And also I can just tell sometimes that braid is just not the best tool for the job. When I’m trying to get a swimbait to stay down for example and I can clearly see that most of the line is still floating in front of the bait, or it takes ages for a bait to actually get to the bottom when in reality it shouldn’t. So im going to order up some spools of flouro to switch out on some of my reels. I know braid has its place and I’ll be leaving it on some rods for applications where it makes sense. Im just wondering what y’all are using? What casts the best? What brand and size do you like to use for what? Basically, help a brother out and tell me what you’d be ordering if you were me and why. Thanks in advance fellas
  20. I have recently switch to braid line I am using 10lbs line was wonder if it can break my rod?
  21. So I used to be a regular Mono user, using 12lb straight mono. But for some reason the line kept breaking out of nowhere and I didn't like the slack feel to the line since I mainly fish senkos and I could barely tell when the bass bit it. So a few days ago I switched to a braid with fluoro leader combo and I went out and got 20lb power pro braid and 14lb berkely vanish fluoro. I have been trying the FG knot since I heard its the strongest knot out there, but it keeps coming loose and breaking off. The line is fine but I keep losing my leader at the knot and all my senkos too! Am I just tying the knot wrong or is it a problem of my braid being heavier than my fluoro? I didn't realize that the braid had to be lighter than fluoro whenever I saw a forum about braid to fluoro leaders everyone had much heavier braid than their fluoro leaders so I went out and did the same. But I read the the fluoro has to be thicker than the braid for the FG knot to work. So is the FG knot breaking off because I'm tying it wrong or is it because my braid is a heavier pound test than my fluoro?
  22. HELP! Another very frustrating day. I keep getting backlashes where the braid is digging into itself pretty bad. It's happened with 15lb and 65lb. I set the tension spool, magnetic, and centrifugal correctly and still get it every 3rd or 4th cast. I've tried Casting and then pulling out extra line and still getting it. I'm using Kastking SuperBraid. What gives?????
  23. Went out yesterday for first time with new braid and I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW QUICKLY THE COLOR FADED! In some sections it looks like I'm using white line. I knew the dye would not last forever but had no idea it would fade after just a couple hours It was a Vermilion red color.
  24. I know most people that use 10 ft+ of a leader, but I only use a 2 foot fluorocarbon leader on my braid. I have a 20 lb leader tied on to 40 lb braid. Is using only a 2 foot leader pointless? Will bass still be line shy or will the 2 feet offer enough of a buffer that the bass won't be able to comprehend that the braid is actually indirectly connected to the lure? Also, is 20lb leader overkill? Since your line is only as strong as the weakest link, I didn't want to use too light of a leader so I can avoid breaking off. I also use 2 foot leader because my rod has microguides and knots don't make it through very well, so I tend to make my leaders short so that I don't have to bring the knot into the guides. Is this a silly strategy?
  25. Looking for advice, I started using braid last year and really like it both on my Spinning and baitcasting reels. I've read where a lot of you guys use a mono or Floro leader and some tie direct. There are days where my hands shake so bad it really becomes a chore to tie on a leader so I don't. I read somewhere that you can just use a magic marker to color the first foot or so of your line to help hide it. Here is where I need some help, I'm going to try this but was wondering if fish are able to smell the marker?
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