I was cruising around looking for a good bass fishing forum to join and I find one where the administrator lives 5 miles away? What are the odds? Anywho....I've been bass fishing all my life but abruptly quit about 15 years ago. Just got tired of weekend crowds and tournament pressure. I sold my Tracker but kept all my gear. Now, I'm retired and am able to fish whenever I d**n well please. It was actually my wife that insisted I buy a boat and start fishing again.....and she cooks too!. I have a couple of grandsons I need to teach now so it made sense.
I found a very lightly used (less than 100 hours) Ranger TR177 and dragged it home last weekend. I took one of my grandsons out for a shakedown and everything seemed to work as advertised.
I need to replace a sonar unit at the console that the previous owner couldn't live without but other than that she's ready to go.
As I pulled all my old gear out of storage and started cleaning it up, I realized that much of it would seem archaic to modern fishermen but I'll bet the fish won't notice. I'm sure a 6" Slither worm will still catch fish...lol.
Well, that's a long winded way of saying I'm glad to be here and look forward to "catchin up".