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Found 16 results

  1. A few years back I purchased an older model G3 18ft aluminum bass boat with a 2001 Yamaha 115 V4. Motor has been completely rebuilt from top to bottom. The G3 has been good, but a few months back I had issues with the console. The guy I bought the boat from was a BIG guy, and apparently he used the steering wheel to pull himself out of the seat every time he stood up, so the console had a stress crack under the steering wheel. A buddy and I were taking off for a tournament and I went over another boats wake and when my boat came down the steering wheel fell out of the console and landed between my feet on the floor of my boat. Scary situation, but no one was hurt and we were able to get it back on the trailer. Never had a chance to work on it bc of work, and I’ve decided to just replace the boat. Going to keep the old Yammy… it runs like a top and I spent all that money getting it rebuilt so I’m gonna get my moneys worth out it. Any suggestions on brands to check out???? I have my eyes on having a GatorTrax custom built, but I’m still browsing looking for options.
  2. anyone here have an opinion on carbon framed bait casters i am thinking about getting the Lews custom XP bait caster but then realized it has a carbon frame. I have heard bad things about carbon reels and have been told that aluminum is better what is ya'lls opinion.
  3. in my last post I asked about carbon vs aluminum instead of carbon I meant to ask about graphite. so do any of y'all have an opinion on graphite bait casters I was thinking about getting the Lews XP it has a one piece graphite frame. but lately I've heard that graphite bends and warps so I'm starting to reconsider. if anyone could give me their opinion on the matter it would be appreciated.
  4. Looking into a 16’-17’ aluminum bass boat... any thoughts? I’ve looked into almost all the manufacturers. Just looking for some opinions. I personally like the Xpress, but I’m also a fan of the Triton and love the value of the Tracker. Any insight would be appreciated.
  5. If you have a Fiberglass or Aluminum boat, why did you choose that material for your boat over the other?
  6. At the risk of focusing too much on the gear, there's something I really love about a raw aluminum low profile baitcasting reel, not flashy or anodized in color or finished with metal flake speckles, but something raw metal that will just show natural wear over time. Prefer quality but doesn't have to be over the top. What are my options?
  7. I'm converting my 14ft v-hull into a bass boat of sorts...just adding a casting deck up front and a deck lower down in the rear. I'm a fairly big guy weighing in at around 275lbs and I'm usually pretty hard on my equipment, I don't want to use wood 2x4's as support and framing for this decking. I'm planning on using aluminum square tubing, however, I need to know what the minimum size square tubing I need to use that will still support my weight. If anyone knows the answer to what size aluminum tubing would replace a 2x4 whilst matching support strength, please let me know. Also, I'm wanting to repaint the boat and make it purty...what brand of paint and primer ought I to use? Lastly, what would be the recommended as the best method for attaching the framing to the hull and the decking to the framing? Thank you for any and all the advice yall give.
  8. Hey everyone, new member checking in. I just recently discovered Bass Resource and am loving it so far. I love the wealth of information available here for a noob like me. As a little introduction on me, I live in Oregon and have always done the normal PNW stuff... fly fisherman/steelhead/salmon/kokes, etc. Last spring/summer I got into bass fishing after talking to one of my coworkers who was a tourney angler back home in New York. So far I have only really done any pond/small lake fishing from the bank and my kayak. I want to start doing some bigger water fishing, and do a lot more than fish the same 3 places this year. So my question naturally is about the boat that I already have available to me. My dad (and by extension, me, since he lets me use it) has a 20' Thunder Jet jet boat/sled. Just like this one, only white: http://www.boats.com/power-boats/2001-thunder-jet-20-sportsman-5650969/#.WLXbXIsQxcQ. He gave me the go ahead to mount an electric trolling motor to it. But I'm wondering if there even is a way to mount a bow trolling motor to it. Based on the Minn Kota weight/length vs thrust rating chart, I'm guessing I would need a minimum of 70#, but a 100 ought to allow me to use it in the river as well. I found a 101# Maxxum Pro on craigslist for like 500 bucks, which seemed reasonable to me (or am I way off base?). I am also thinking that a long shaft would be best for this kind of boat? My concern is around attaching the mount.. There is not a whole lot of real estate available on the front. Because of the low deck in the bow, plus the gunwales having the rail running down them I am not sure if there is enough room to drill and bolt down the mount. So I defer to you guys, who are much more knowledgeable about this stuff! I was thinking mount it off to the left of the anchor cleat, and have the shaft run up along the rail, but I'm not sure if that would work. What do you guys think? Waste of time? Ruining the resale of our boat? Even possible? Thank you all in advance! Ryan
  9. Ok so this is my first hurricane in Florida. I am in Orlando so we probably wont catch the brunt of it but I was wondering if I should worry about my 14 ft jon boat during the storm. It sits on a trailer in the apartment parking lot. Does anybody have any tips for securing, etc.? Should I worry about the wind getting fast and hard enough to push the boat and trailer out of the parking spot? Any advice is appreciated.
  10. So I know there's the old conversation of fiberglass vs aluminum and I know my question falls right into that. I have been looking at both these boats for a while now and can not decide which to pull the trigger on. I have discovered that a 115hp motor is the best option for me because it is the max horse power for my home lake but it still has enough power for likes like Hartwell and Clarks Hill. Does anyone own or has ever ran either of these boats? Any asvice would be greatly appreciated. This will be my first boat purchase and I am probably over thinking it I know. I want whatever is going to last the longest, be generally simple to maintain, and just be an all around good boat. Thanks.
  11. I plan on re building my aluminum boat it is 14 ft and I'm wondering both how high I should make the deck and what floor plans to do I'd like to also put a live well and some storage in it. Thank you for your help.
  12. Very interesting stuff. No videos online and no info anywhere really other than this link: http://www.gatortraxboats.com/m-29-Strike-Series-Aluminum-Bass-Boats.aspx They look really cool. You can have a custom made bass boat. I think BPS sells their other boats and they have a YouTube but no info on the bass boats anywhere. Just figured I'd share.
  13. I have an opportunity to buy an aluminum stripped down Bass Tracker for a very low price. The seller is only asking $300 with a trailer. It is pretty bare bones though containing only the decking due to it having been stolen and stripped. The thing that concerns me with this boat is it is missing a rib and does leak some. I am not sure which rib it is yet as I have not seen the boat yet. I will only be using this boat with an electric trolling motor so I am not concerned about getting on plane or the weight of an outboard either. It will limit me to what I can use the boat for but my local lake is easily fished with only a trolling motor and for the low price think it may be worth the investment. What are your opinions if this boat will hold up for a few years just cruising around with the electric motor. Should I save the money and just start with a better aluminum hull and build my own deck in it?
  14. I am a senior in highschool and i'm workin 40 hours each week to save for my first boat. i have decided that for me at the time an aluminum is the way to go. I wont be fishing alot of tournaments so speed and things are not a big difference. ive been fishing every weekend on tournaments as a co angler. This boat is going to be my "learning boat". I want to learn alot on the water and become good with what i have before i spend the big bucks. I am set on buying a brand new Tracker boat. im stuck however between a 165, 170 or a 175 tracker. i know that the the bigger i go the better the storage and deckroom. But the affordability of the 165 attracts me. because im putting a set amount of each paycheck aside each month until i get a down payment big enough for half of the boat price. My patience sucks so i know that i can get the 165 a faster. and then i can put higher quality electronics on it. I'm just asking for everyones advice. I am all ears and want nothing to do but learn.
  15. I'm fixin' to buy my first boat but, I wanted some folks to steer me in the right direction before i made the purchase. I like to avoid paying stupid tax where possible. I'm looking for a welded aluminum boat I can take in rivers and smaller lakes. I went and looked a Waco 16 1/2 foot flat bottom yesterday that seemed to fit the bill. I can't find a lot of info on Waco (besides being out N. Little Rock). Here's the link - tell me what y'all think: http://fayar.craigslist.org/boa/3624035013.html I don't know what questions to ask or what to look for to ensure it's not a lemon. And, if I don't get this boat, I'd appreciate some other things to consider when looking for others. Tell me the things you wish you'd known before buying your first boat. Let me know if I've left any info out that would be helpful. Thanks, Spencer.
  16. I'm buying a 1996 Crestliner Pro Am 17 with a 150 hp Evinrude on the back. I've never owned an aluminum boat before but since I drive an older Ford Ranger, I can't tow something heavy. I currently have an old Bayliner 16 foot Trophy and while this boat has always brought me home and I've caught a lot of fish out of it, I never felt quite comfortable when the wind kicks up and the whitecaps get more than about 2 foot. I wanted something that was a bit taller but I found this Crestliner and I was impressed. Aluminum welded hull, tons of storage, huge rod lockers, big livewells and it even has a bait tank. I'd certainly have no problem with big water in this boat and it's roomy and comfortable. I was just wondering if any of you have owned one of those or the Sportfish which is the same boat and what you thought of them? Thanks for the info.
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