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  1. I have an Abu Garcia T5600c reel that's been collecting dust in my shop that I'm interested in letting go of. I've seen a few online anywhere from $400-$800. Would this reel be considered a collectors item now? Mine has the engraved side plate intact with no dents or scratches. I have a few pictures of it if anyone is interested.
  2. Hello, my name is Alex Ball. I got into fishing 30 months ago and have been through just about everything below the $150 range on rods and reels. I mean everything. I have no social life(lol) and no other real hobbies outside my band, so I decided to try it all, so to speak. This post and follow ups will be my experience with rods at a certain price range. I'll do another about reels. Today, I'd like to share a top 5 rod list of my favorite rods in 5 ranges: $30 or less(Budget), $30-60(Entry), $60-100(Mid), 100-150(boater), and 150+(Pro). I'll also include my top 5 pound for pound list. Can't wait to see the replies. Note- I'm listing the bigger names for the most part below $100. I know there are boutique options at lower prices, but I wanted to include rods everyone can find easily. Top 5 Budget- Berkley Cherrywood Not graphite only, but fairly sensitive. An array of options, including a ML casting rod for the BFS guys . A solid rod to learn on. Entry- Tie- Abu Vengeance Pro 1/KK Perigee 2 The V Pro is probably my favorite Walmart rod ever. For $55, it's very good. There are several different versions. 24T graphite. A good rod to upgrade from the bottom. The P2 1 piece rods are the exact same as the 13 defy black. Exact. For $20 less usually. The 2 piece is pretty special. The twin tip rods are meh, but only because of the way they connect, a wide gap. The regular 2 pieces are excellent for around $40 on Amazon. Very sensitive and durable. I have 5. Love em. Mid- Abu Vendetta w locking reel seat This rod and the Veritas both feel like they cost more. The Vendetta is just a great series. Just about everything you can throw will go on these rods. Around $89 retail, but TW has/had them on clearance for $50 or so. You can nitpick here and beyond, but this series is excellent for the price. Boater- Daiwa Tatula SVF A "Fancy" rod for $150. This series is just nuts. So many options. From cranking to crappie, you can find a rod you'll love. My 7'1" HF Jig Rod is my number one purpose built rod. Its pretty much perfect for anything with a jig head or a Texas/C Rig. I know there are several different rod series you can pick here, and in each range, I'll eventually do a list, but I just love these rods. You can find them on sale pretty easy online. A boutique feel at a good price. Pro- Virtus Red Diamond Definitely not a major mame yet, but I'd bet the farm this is the next Loomis. To call these rods light would be insulting. They weigh nothing. I'm not joking. It actually alarms you the first time you pick one up. Almost like an optical illusion, you can feel it in your hand, but you feel no weight at all. Not a massive lineup, but they have everything you need for tournament fishing with baits under 4oz. Made in the same factory as Falcon used to be, these rods are rolled and assembled in Arkansas. The components are tip top of the line. Everything about them screams "$500 rods here!!!". They cost $300. I know I'll get pushback here, but I've never, ever experienced a better rod. I've owned over 100 personally at some point and close to 500 sold. This is a different animal. Try one. Pound For Pound in No order. No review. Casting Duckett Ghost Abu Veritas Daiwa Tatula SVF Ugly Stik Berkley Lightning Rod Spinning Shakespeare Micro Lew's KVD Berkley Lightning Rod Shimano Sellus Dobyns in general That's my book for the evening. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Edit- These are strictly my opinions. I'm not claiming to be an expert by any means. Just wanted to say that. Always do the research before you buy a rod or reel over $50. Always. Never base a decision on YT guys or the Googan types(Especially the Googans). Buy the equipment you decide is best FOR YOU. Don't buy it to impress, or because you saw a cool ad. Buy it because it's what fits your needs. Needed to say that too.
  3. So I literally thought I had a big bass a few days ago at a public pond but it turns out I literally caught a rod/reel combo that I guess some monster pulled out of the hands of some unlucky guy lol. The reel was ruined and cheap but I now am the owner of a unblemished Abu Garcia Veritas spinning rod that retails for about $100. It cleaned up perfectly. It’s a 6’6” medium heavy/moderate fast spinning rod. Not sure what would be the best bait application for that type of rod. Any suggestions? Reel suggestions $100 and under? Thanks in advance.
  4. I'm on a budget, and I don't want to spend over $55 on a reel
  5. I have recently got an Abu Garcia Revo X baitcasting reel and have noticed it kind of makes a funny noise every time I reel. It also results in vibrations. I have tried cleaning it and oiling and greasing it various times but it keeps happening. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? 58116913555__791C7EAE-73EE-4E91-8804-1C0A8958F6DE.MOV
  6. Which one is a better company?
  7. For the past couple weeks I've been trying out the Abu Garcia Revo SX gen4 Baitcaster. I chose to go with the 6.6:1 RH. The reel retails in the $160 price range which in my opinion it a pretty good price for this reel. It has the looks, the feel, and the function to be a higher priced reel. It has the two break system which was really nice and very easy to adjust. There is a lever on the bottom of the side plate. You drop the lever turn the side plate a quarter turn to the right and plate comes off exposing the internal brakes which were east to adjust and made a big difference when casting. The other nice thing about the lever to remove the side plate, you can easily remove your spool which make things very very convienant for tying your line or cleaning. My other reels you have to unscrew the bar in front pull that out, remove the side plate, well you get the hint. It's as simple as drop the lever, quarter turn, and there's everything you need. That was well thought out! I put this reel on my KVD Tour crankbait rod and this reel and rod launched the crankbaits a mile. The brake system is so effective I'd made quite a few adjustments because I'm not used to such an effective braking system I was over adjusting (user error). Some slight adjustments and I was launching lures like a pro. It handled the crankbait without and issue, felt really smooth, and didn't wear me out. The next time out I put it on a MH Abu rod I used for throwing soft plastics. This time I made subtle adjustments and quickly had it tuned for my plastics, and worked great. The drag gave me no issues. The handle size was in my wheel house, I prefer a slightly bigger handle, and this was perfect. As stated earlier $160 is a really good price for this reel. It's well thought out, smooth, and convenient for spooling, adjusting brakes, and cleaning. Abu Garcia has a winner with the Revo SX gen4! 12poundbass
  8. I have recently purchased a avid x and revo x spinning rod and reel. the rod is a 6’9 ml extra fast action I believe the revo x is a size 30. Was wondering if the reel will be to big for this rod? Thanks for any info!
  9. I am looking at getting another reel. I narrowed to the Daiwa Fuego ct or Abu Garcia Revo S. I think the Revo is a bit nicer of a reel but it's double the price of the Fuego. What would you guys recommend?
  10. Hey everyone, I've been waiting forever to do this - finally took my new fishing kayak out (Feel Free Lure 11.5 which I am in love with!). It is what I was waiting for to break out my new setups purchased over the winter months. I've been an avid bass fisherman my whole life, but only carried one setup with me for a good 20 years - a quantum ac500pt baitcaster on a bps bionic blade (6'6" M/F). That setup is still going strong after some winter tlc but now gracefully retired. Only last summer after getting back into bass fishing full on, did I purchase a second setup - a used version of my quantum and a used bionic blade, this time a MH/F (I wanted the same models/years/style). Well, needless to say, I really embraced the sport as I did when I was a child, and moved on to purchase some nicer equipment this winter, during sales and plenty of online shopping around. Here's what I ended up with along with reviews from my outing today: 1. Shimano Metanium 100 on a Shimano Expride 170MGA - 7' Glass composite Cranker; What can I say, this thing is a dream upgrade. Definitely my smoothest reel, casts effortlessly, and just a joy to use. With fishing being one of my main past times and way I rejuvenate for work and school, this was an investment worth making, and I'm so glad I did! I'm a big fan of the centrifugal braking system that Shimano has - feels more natural and smooth. Definitely different than magnetic braking, and once it's tuned, it's super smooth. The rod and reel combo felt like my lightest setup, but that could have also had to do with the balance, which is amazing. Slung my the lipless cranks I was using (1/2oz) the furthest I've ever casted that lure in that weight. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have more questions about this combo. Strung up with sufix 832 #30, which is an excellent line that casts super smooth - was super windy today so had a couple backlashes due to liberal tuning but the line barely dug in and was easy to fix. I had been using original Power Pro #30 on my old setups which is a strong and durable line, but does dig in more than the sufix. 2. Shimano Metanium 100 on a BPS Johnny Morris Signature series 7'2" MH/F. Well I've already told you about the reel, but I'm also in love with this combo. I had to get the JMSS to stay true to the power hump I've used for almost 20 years on the bionic blade. The JMSS is a decent upgrade from that with better blanks, and it is super light and comfortable. I had to have one power hump rod in my lineup! This rod loads more like a Moderate Fast, which I am really happy about as I was using it with a heavier, 3/4 lipless - again, this combo casts and performs amazingly! 3. Shimano Curado HGK on Shimano Curado rod - 6'10" MF. I had to pair these two together - how could you go wrong here? At first, I was concerned that I would be spoiled by my Metaniums and not end up liking this reel, but it is somewhat different. It is still smooth - not as smooth as the Metanium of course, but it's a great reel nonetheless. I'm really at odds between which one I like more, this or my Daiwa Tatula SV 103H that I'll review in a bit. I like that the side plate stays connected...definitely felt more comfortable adjusting it while on my kayak on a windy day than my Metaniums - talk about nerve wrecking lol. With it being so windy, I had to move my internal breaks to 3 versus my Metaniums which were on 2; however, I was also using a plastic worm with a weighted hook, so it was lighter and had more drag for the wind to carry. I was back lashing at first, but after setting internal brakes to 3, I was good to go. I think it can be said that the Metanium is an upgraded version of the Curado - both are very similar in look and feel with the Metanium being smoother and with better performance - and rightfully so. Am I glad I got the Curado? You bet I am...especially along side its counterpart rod. It's hard to compare to the looks of the Metanium and Expride combo, but the Curado combo is one of the best looking setups in my opinion. Super light setup (maybe not as balanced and as light as my Met combo's, but for the price it performs well). Hard to be disappointed with this one. 4. Daiwa Tatula SV 103H on a Dobyns Fury 705CB - so glad I got this setup! I feel like these two are a great match. I wanted a MH/MF setup (7') for chatterbaits/spinnerbaits mainly (and heavier cranks if need be) and with the SV in the mix, this fit the bill perfectly. Casted my chatterbait well with wind over 10mph and gusts up to 20mph. Granted, I wasn't casting into the wind, but I wasn't always casting with the wind either. The reel setup is super easy with just an outside dial to work with. I will say, as I mentioned before, the magnetic brakes on this are definitely different from the centrifugal ones on the Shimanos. They have more of a mushy or spongy (magnetic) feel, which is the best way I can describe it. Regardless, this setup was super smooth, and just ideal for chatterbaits. I paired the SV here, because I figured the SV braking system would be a good match for the higher drag baits I planned to use. I don't think I back lashed once with this setup, but I was also playing it conservatively with this one given I was using a skirted bait in high winds. When the wind dropped I was able to go down to 6 on the brakes, and averaged around 8. I might have been able to go lower, but didn't want to push it too much with the conditions. I've heard so many good things about Dobyns rods, I had to have at least one in my new lineup - they make amazing rods - light, sensitive, and high quality. Again, very happy with this purchase. 5. Abu Garcia Revo X Winch on an Okuma TCS Frog/Swimbait rod (7'3" H/F). This is my dedicated frogging setup and also reserved for punching mats. Spooled with original Power Pro #50. This one surprised me, guys. I wasn't sure how this one would perform, given the price difference from my other setups, but it casted just as far as my other setups today - this was with a 3/4 jig, however. Still though, it casted very well with no backlashes and I feel confident with this setup for heavy vegetation and pulling big ones out of it. A lot of people might wonder why I went with such a low gear ratio - I feel more confident with this setup as it is more likely I'm catching 10+ lb snakehead on this in heavy vegetation, and I just wanted a very low gear setup in my arsenal (will double as a deep cranker). The heavy rod performed well, and slung the 3/4 oz jig effortlessly. The reel wasn't as smooth as the others, but for the price, it did just fine. Happy with this setup as well! Well, that's what I have for now. I may edit this later as I try them some more, and might add some calm weather comments. If anyone has any specific questions for a reel, rod, combo, or comparison, please do not hesitate to ask!
  11. Anyone got a villain 2.0 and use it for flippin n pitching? Thinking of getting one in a 7'6" heavy fast. Reviews ?
  12. I am looking to upgrade some of my cheaper rods I got when I was first starting to fish tournaments 4 years ago. As you can imagine they have seen their better days especially the lower end ones. I am on a budget as a high school student so I am trying to stay kinda cheap. My higher end rods are fairly new so I am just looking for some in the $100-$150 range. I currently use Abu Garcia Veritas for the majority of my rods but have been looking at the St. Croix Bass X Series. I have a Legend Tournament spinning rod that I love and I have heard great things from the Bass X rods. So, what rods would you recommend? I am looking to get about 4 casting and 2 spinning. I am also open to other rods as well, these 2 just happened to catch my eye. Thanks for your recommendations!
  13. Hey guys So I have an opportunity to buy 2 rods at a nicely discounted price through my job, Abu Garcia Veritas & St Croix Avid. The 1st rod I'm looking for to handle Squarebills, mid depth cranks, and heavy Suspending jerkbait (Crush 75x, 250MD, Pointer 100XD). The second rod I want exclusively for deep diving cranks (6th Sense 500DD, maybe 10XD). Here's what my thinking is, Id appreciate your thoughts. Rod #1: St. Croix Avid X (7' MH/M) -Squarebills (6th Sense Crush Flat 75X) -Mid-depth (6th Sense Crush 250MD) -Suspending jerkbaits (LC Pointer 100XD) Rod #2: Abu Garcia Veritas (7'11 XH/M) -6th Sense 500DD -Strike King 10XD Are these decent rods for those applications? I'd really like to know what you all think! Thanks : )
  14. I was thinking about picking up an abu garcia orra sx along with a winch, I was wondering if this reel is worth picking up.
  15. I see that the new Abu Garcia Revo series gen 4 reels and veritas rods were made available for purchase this week. Does anyone plan on buying these rods or reels in the near future? I have a couple gen 3 reels that are pretty nice. And after watching a few youtube videos I have some interest in these gen 4 Revos.
  16. So what kind of bass fishing/lures would you use on a 6ft 6 medium fast rod. I wanted a 7ft medium heavy fast action for top water.abu didn't sell there silver max with a left handed option for that setup.so I went with a 6ft 6 medium fast action. Honestly I mostly use Texas right soft plastics,but I wanted to be able to do some jigging,punch rigging,and top water.will I be able to do some of those things with this setup? What would you use a 6ft 6 medium fast for?
  17. I see there are a lot of scattered threads on Bass Resource about Abu Garcia reels, and other reels as well. I too have some questions about AG reels, but don’t want to hijack someone else’s thread with my questions. So, not seeing a manufacture specific thread that covers the spectrum of the manufactures products, I thought I’d start this Abu Garcia thread where we can ask questions of other Garcia owners. Hopefully, we can keep this positive (I got my rose colored glasses on now) and not resort to reel or brand bashing. But, if you have a reel (real) question about your AG reel, post it, and hopefully you’ll find other’s that have the same AG reel.
  18. I only have Abu Garcia fishing reels, i have Silvermax 3, Orra SX2 and Promax, im going to get a new one, but im between revo SXT and MGX any advice, im basically new in this art of fishing i have a couple of year but i never went more than 6 times a year, thisnis the first year that i been going every week and even twice a week when i have the oportunity. By the way im a shore freshwater fisher. Tageting Bass
  19. Does anybody know why the revo sx is selling at a discounted price at basspro shops? Just wondering if it is going to be discontinued or there will be a new revo generation to replace it.
  20. I need to find a good rod for my Abu Garcia REVO S Spinning Reel, anyone know any good rods to pair with that reel?? (It is the REVO2S30 model)
  21. I am having a hard time choosing between the Abu Garcia Revo MGX2 and the Shimano Chronarch MGL. It's primary use will be for smaller swimbaits. Please let me know if there is advantages for one over the other. I have found them online for right around the same price.
  22. Everybody has a go-to lure when they want to procure a bite on the slowest of fishing days. I am curious as to what lure it is that people here on BR reach for when the going gets tough.
  23. What's your guys opinions on a couple reels, these are the prices I can get them at REVO SX-$100 REVO S-$78 SHIMANO CAENAN-$75-$100 DAIWA TATULA CT-$90-$100 DAIWA FUEGO CT $99 I have alot of other reels up in price range not looking to spend that much EXTRA , these are some good reels here for around $100, which do you guys think?
  24. I am about to buy a reel for deep cranking (max ~12'). My choices are an Orra Winch, Tatula 100p and an Okuma Citrix. I ONLY own Shimano so these reels all feel like a risk to me. Tactical bassin raves about the Abu so I'm leaning. But I want to hear your experiences with these reels please.
  25. Recently made a purchase via eBay for a used gen 3 Abu Garcia Revo S. Once received and opened, to my surprise this particular reel was manufactured in China. My other Revo S and SX were both made in Korea. As well as all of the other Revo S reels i've looked at in a retail store. Called Abu Garcia directly for confirmation but they weren't definitive by simply claiming many of their reels are made in China, Korea and sometimes Sweden. They are not able to authenticate unless the reel is sent in for service. Basically, they were not helpful. I'm not necessarily concerned I purchased a knock-off or fake reel. Because after comparing the two, they are virtually identical, down to the part colors inside. There also doesn't seem to be anywhere to buy one online anyway. So that mostly eases my concerns regarding authenticity. On the other hand, this eBay Revo S just does NOT seem nearly as quiet as my other Revo S. With the drag set loose and the tension knob turned off, I'll give the handle a good rip and all I can hear is the gears start to mesh and then quickly spinning around - i can even hear a slight tick as it goes around too. The best way to describe it is like hearing one of those old school wind-up toy cars that you had to drag back to charge and let rip. The faster you drag back, the more you hear the gears wind. Similar sounds are coming from this reel but just not as exaggerated. Overall the reel is in perfect physical condition and seems super smooth. I've opened it up, cleaned/de-greased most of the parts. Re-greased and oiled things up with Ardent butter etc, carefully put it back together but it still gives off more sound than my other Revo S. I've even opened up both reels to compare parts and placement with no luck. Maybe I've overlooked a part that may be out of place. I just cant figure it out. Will try to post a video soon. Sorry for rambling.. anyone out there with Revo service experience that has advice or an opinion? I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
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