Yesterday I went to the bank to deposit some client checks into the business account and gave the checks and deposit slip to the teller. The teller asked me if I wanted to deposit the checks?
OK, being a nice guy I bit my lip and said, politely, "yes." But did that teller open the door for a comeback or what?
I thought of other times when it is easily apparant to others as to what you are doing but they ask anyway.
Like the time I went to the BP station to fill up the boat and SUV to go fishing. Rods and reels on the deck. I am dressed for fishing. And a lady asks me "are you going fishing?"
Now I could have come back with a smart aleck reply, but all I said was "yes mam."
So have you had any people ask you a question when the answer is staring them in the face? And you had to be polite but wished you could come back with a stinger?
Just wondering.