I have a HB 561 sonar unit that I installed on our 14ft aluminum boat a couple of months back. Due to work and health issues, my brother(fishing partner) and I have not been out as much as planned. We are in the Salt Lake City area and probably only have until the end of the month to take the boat out before winter sets in. Bummer man.
Honestly, I suck at interpreting what is on the screen. Except for reading the depth. And I know the bottom and whether it is a hard bottom or soft. But its all those things that aren't the bottom. Some images look like rocks, some have the arch like fish. some look like Christmas trees standing straight up. I generally try to find dramatic depth changes or 'interesting looking' stuff by the bottom, even though I have no idea what it is. I tried to take a pic of the screen with my phone but its unreadable.
Needless to say we have found only one productive spot, by accident. But turns out its a series of ledges and drop offs.
I was hopping someone knew of a link or resource, or step by step setup guide on how to optimize the settings on an HB 571. with explanations on how to interpret the wonderful gray scale images.
Also, boat positioning in relation to what the graph says. This is a separate issue, but any information on the subject would be very helpful.
Thanks for reading. I appreciate all responses