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Everything posted by Bass_Akwards

  1. Sweet RW thanks! Just learned about the "Burke knot" as well. Seems super solid. Time to check out your knots now.
  2. Saw a video from Shaw Grigsby (I think) a while back about the San Diego knott being the absolute best knot for flouro. He showed how to tie it, but he did it with fishing line, where you couldn't see what the heck he was doing, as opposed to a rope where it would have been a lot easier. Since I can't find ANYTHING on the San Diego knott online, I was wondering if any of you had any other great knotts for flouro that are completely trustworthy. Is the Polomar knott amazing for flouro?
  3. Just bought one. Read the instruction guide but I really wanted someone who knows the reel to give me a better understanding of it so I can really use it to it's full potential. Reading the instruction guide just isn't cutting it for me. Any tips or pointers on how to use the controls and brakes etc would be really helpful. Thanks!
  4. Ya' know, it's funny, being the type A guy that I am, it's tough for me to fish slow.... yet most of the time, if I fish fast, I feel like I'm totally wasting my time. I force myself to fish slow, much like I force myself to fish finnesse. I'll do whatever it takes. Kind of like weight lifting... no pain, no gain Skeet, what are you talking about ? Senko's are great ! It gives the crowds something to do, while I'm going the other way I've yet to have ever thrown a Senko in my life. I might someday...... but everybody else will have to stop throwing them first Fish It's weird, but if you stick me in a car in any sort of traffic, whether I'm in a hurry or not, I inevitably get completely impatient and want to stab myself in the ear with a pen. You put me in a store or airport or wherever where there's ANY sort of a line I have to stand in, and just watch me start getting irritated and annoyed and antsy. Same with riding in airplanes or most other spots where I need to be patient. But you put a fishing rod in my hand, and I can literally huck a Senko (or whatever finesse lure) 50 yards and CRAWL it back to shore or the boat. I'm talkin' 3-5 minute retrieves and even longer if need be. I just LOVE getting lulled to sleep after a couple Senko casts, feeling zen like and peaceful and then out of absolutely nowhere 60 seconds into a quiet retrieve you feel that "TICK TICK" on the line. How can anyone not just LOVE that adrenaline rush on the fist "tick" Then the rush gets even BETTER as the line starts moving and you know you have to start reeling in that slack line in order to stick that fish but good. Then the rush gets even better still as you drop that rod tip and then pull back hard, setting that hook and buttoning that sucker. WHAT A FEELING!! You get 3 seperate rushes on one cast! A free buzz x3!!!!!!!!
  5. Got a new Curado and now I need a rod for it. Bait monkey is destroying my bank account so I cant afford more than $75-$100.00. It's pathetic I know. Is it possible for me to get a halfway descent baitcasting rod for $100 or less? I'd even buy a used one as long as it's in nice shape. Thoughts?
  6. Wow. AbrazX Fluorocarbon 12lb 200yd $18.99 P-Line CXX Crystal Clear 300yd 12lb Test $9.49 Now I'm really confused. Is this a true case of "You get what you pay for?" Is the AbrazX really worth more than TWICE the money than cxx is selling for? I know everything is subjective and one angler is going to like some things more than others. BUT... Kent or others who have tried both, from your experience, is the AbrazX really worth more than twice the price of CXX? I'm super curious.
  7. YoZuri is very nice in general. On Kents recommendation, I fish the 10# a lot and have had a bunch of success with it. For the money it's fantastic. Conversely, I've had a few breakoffs where I was sure it wasn't my fault, but who knows, maybe that was my pride talking. I'm thinking I'd like to fish a 15# or more pure flouro, as opposed to a hybrid, and increase my odds of not losing a 6+ pounder because of the trees and rocks I fish.
  8. So I bought a new Shimano Curado. I'm moving up in reel quality and therefore I need to move up in line quality as well. I vowed to NEVER fish Mono again, especially on a baitcasting reel, so I think I'll be throwing mostly flouro. I'll throw braid too but my question is.. What flourocarbon line do you guys recommend? I've lost some personal bests fishing 10#test mono due to abrasion issues and I'm wanting that to pretty much stop. What's a smooth, long casting, tough flouro brand you guys trust? Should I start throwing 17 pound test so I don't have to worry so much about trees and logs and rocks? 20? Thanks again!
  9. Thanks guys. As usual, BR comes through again! Great info! I just bought a Curado for $143.00. Now I have to learn how to fish it.
  10. Sup everyone? I'm gunna FINALLY get a new baitcasting reel and I'm a little intimidated. I've been told to get something with a great break system so I don't get backlash so easily. I'll practice hard with no matter what reel I get but something awesome and smooth that is as close to backlash free when set properly would be awesome! Any thoughts or suggestions? Be specific as to why you like the reel you suggest so much please. Thanks!
  11. I put the big font there because as I'm typing my post, the font is super super small for some reason. Not sure why. So I just made it bigger thinking I was making it normal size. Same thing is happening as I type this post as well. I made a couple other posts today and just left it alone, and it was normal font after I hit "post message. So I guess I'll just leave it but Ive never seen it this small when I type. Anyway, you guys know way more on the subject than I do, but my thinking is just that. It's me thinking. I have no studies or proof of anything. I just thought that if you take your favortie, dream body of water, with the perfect "environment" and then you take a sample of all the oldest bass in that body of water, I thought you'd find that there are bass within each age group, that are larger than the rest of the bass in that same age group. I assume this would hold true for the oldest/largest bass in that particular body of water. The environment and forage base is the same for all the fish in that body of water. I figured the reason one 8 year old Florida strain is larger than the other 8 year old Florida strain in the same great "environment" is not because of forage base but because of genitics. The reason that 8 year old fish is larger than other 8 year old fish with the same indeterminate growth is because genetically it is superior to the other fish. It is more aggressive, it has better hunting grounds closer to deep water AND a massive forage base. These giants get the best spots to hunt and the best spots to hide from prey etc. because genetically they are more in tune with their environment and surroundings than other fish of the same age. This is why I figured some 8 year old bass get to be 15 pounds while another 8 year old might only be 9 or 10 pounds, even though one lived and hunted in the same body of water. All things being the same in any given body of water, I just assumed it all comes down to genitics. If I'm wrong, I think it will be the 675,098th time in my life so no biggy.
  12. Yep. I'm an idiot and just learned what the numbers meant. Holding out for something bigger and potentially a modified V if I can afford one.
  13. Catt does the 42-44 inch bottom go only for a modified V? Or if I have to go flat bottom should I go even bigger?
  14. True, but within any given environment, genitics plays the biggest role in growing true monsters.
  15. What improvements are you going to add to your game in 2011 to make yourself a better angler? I'm talking about ANYTHING from Attitude or Equipment to Techniques, strategies and/or tactics. Be as specific as you can please. Thanks!
  16. What improvements are you going to add to your game in 2011 to make yourself a better angler? I'm talking about ANYTHING from Attitude or Equipment to Techniques, strategies and/or tactics. Be as specific as you can please. Thanks!
  17. What improvements are you going to add to your game in 2011 to make yourself a better angler? I'm talking about ANYTHING from Attitude or Equipment to Techniques, strategies and/or tactics. Be as specific as you can please. Thanks!
  18. I found this boat on craigslist. What do you guys think? It has the transsom width but nothing else. Should I ask him what the real width is or is transsom width a good indicator of the actual width of the boat? http://boulder.craigslist.org/boa/2132434207.html
  19. Sup fellas? I'm floating all over craigs list every day, looking for a jon boat to purchase. It will be my first one. I'm wondering what your guys' experience has been on the water with different sized jon boats. What width is a good width to make sure I have a nice stable boat? I won't be using mine on any big lakes or dangerous waters/weather but I would like to be able to stand up in it and fish without worry of tipping the boat over. What width/length boat should I be looking for so I, and potentially my fishing partner can stand up at the same time and fish comfortably while the boat is nice and stable? I have about $500.00 to spend. I always thought a flat bottom boat would be better for fishing small lakes and ponds, but do you guys recommend something else? Thanks!
  20. All of the above are great ideas. Punching the salad with a jig or a T-rigged Sweet Beaver is my #1 choice but don't forget, if you rig a Fat Ika backwards, it wll fall AWAY from the angler and UNDER those mats. Cast to the very edge of the salad with an Ika, and let the bait fall down and slide under. Weightless of course. Just for fun and something a little different, huck a shakey head under that bridge and see what happens. I'm betting good things.
  21. Please give everyone at BR some great bass fishing advice. Just make it in 10 words or less please. You can be very general, or very specific. Try to limit yourselves to one answer per person and try not to repeat anyone elses advice. ("Come to Bass Resource" doesnt count as advice for this thread, due to the fact that everyone who's reading this post is already here ) I'll start. Lures are important, but learing how to FIND bass? HUGE!
  22. Oh come on WRB. I have to read repeat threads on the same topics over and over and over. Can you cut me some slack just this one time? :-[ Ha. Gotta go with FBL on this one. It took me about two years to really start noticing a bunch of repeat posts, and now it seems like 95% of them are repeats. I've personally started dozens of threads on this board (more than some, nowhere near as many as others) and I think I've seen a repeat of about 80% of my "original" threads, not to mention all the other repeats of other peoples threads. To have to read them over and over and over takes a special kind of talent. Starting a truely original thread in the "general bass fishing" forum on a board of this size, activity level, and knowlege base is super tough at this point. Had no idea mentioning a thread was repeated is an issue, accept my apology. 20+lb LMB are exceptionally rare fish and this bass has a misshapen tail and was caught on spinning tackle using a 4" soft plastic. I don't have a problem remembering the few that have been caught during my lifetime. WRB WRB check the battery in your sarcasm detecter/meter. ;D : Fully charged and waiting to the next 20+ lber. WRB where do you (and other BR members) think that 20+ is coming from? The US? Japan? Perhaps somewhere else? I've always said Cuba is going to one day have the world record. I've been down there, I've heard some "fish stories" and seen pics of some HUGE bass from there. If it ever becomes a bigger destination for world class bass anglers, you might see some big surprises.
  23. Oh come on WRB. I have to read repeat threads on the same topics over and over and over. Can you cut me some slack just this one time? :-[ Ha. Gotta go with FBL on this one. It took me about two years to really start noticing a bunch of repeat posts, and now it seems like 95% of them are repeats. I've personally started dozens of threads on this board (more than some, nowhere near as many as others) and I think I've seen a repeat of about 80% of my "original" threads, not to mention all the other repeats of other peoples threads. To have to read them over and over and over takes a special kind of talent. Starting a truely original thread in the "general bass fishing" forum on a board of this size, activity level, and knowlege base is super tough at this point. Had no idea mentioning a thread was repeated is an issue, accept my apology. 20+lb LMB are exceptionally rare fish and this bass has a misshapen tail and was caught on spinning tackle using a 4" soft plastic. I don't have a problem remembering the few that have been caught during my lifetime. WRB WRB check the battery in your sarcasm detecter/meter. ;D :
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