Ya' know, it's funny, being the type A guy that I am, it's tough for me to fish slow.... yet most of the time, if I fish fast, I feel like I'm totally wasting my time. I force myself to fish slow, much like I force myself to fish finnesse. I'll do whatever it takes.
Kind of like weight lifting... no pain, no gain
Skeet, what are you talking about ? Senko's are great ! It gives the crowds something to do, while I'm going the other way I've yet to have ever thrown a Senko in my life. I might someday...... but everybody else will have to stop throwing them first
It's weird, but if you stick me in a car in any sort of traffic, whether I'm in a hurry or not, I inevitably get completely impatient and want to stab myself in the ear with a pen. You put me in a store or airport or wherever where there's ANY sort of a line I have to stand in, and just watch me start getting irritated and annoyed and antsy. Same with riding in airplanes or most other spots where I need to be patient.
But you put a fishing rod in my hand, and I can literally huck a Senko (or whatever finesse lure) 50 yards and CRAWL it back to shore or the boat. I'm talkin' 3-5 minute retrieves and even longer if need be. I just LOVE getting lulled to sleep after a couple Senko casts, feeling zen like and peaceful and then out of absolutely nowhere 60 seconds into a quiet retrieve you feel that "TICK TICK" on the line. How can anyone not just LOVE that adrenaline rush on the fist "tick" Then the rush gets even BETTER as the line starts moving and you know you have to start reeling in that slack line in order to stick that fish but good. Then the rush gets even better still as you drop that rod tip and then pull back hard, setting that hook and buttoning that sucker. WHAT A FEELING!! You get 3 seperate rushes on one cast! A free buzz x3!!!!!!!!